The Theramore Anchor is a Kul Tiran initiated platoon that operates under Kul Tiran command and the 30th company, with a primary role of acting as a Tactical rapid response troops capable of reinforcing any front within a two week time frame from training to deployment once base training is complete, unofficially it acts as a counter-intelligence unit capable of doing such covert operations. Leading the Company is one elusive Captain Abraham Seathorn rarely seen ever around even on his ship Loudlady, managing to convince a semi retired Marine Sergeant Darimis Sharktris to lead the troops while he does his things. With Darimis at the helm he decided the banner design to be white background in the memory of Tharemore and with the kultiran Anchor as its mark as it is a kul tiran unit with borders of blue for the ties too the Alliance and the name came out of that same mark, the unit will be open to worgans and gnomes but mostly be humans and Kul tirans as due to suspicions among the Kul Tiran upper class but other races that’s excluding Rendorei and demons hunters, DeathKnights only maybe do it be hard to convice the upper nobles… may have a few spots in its ranks. Operating with strict on mission military discipline yet off the fields and in camp casual brothers and sisters in arms, their ranks mix of traditional and Kul Tiran Navy ranks. Their motto remains. Adapt, overcome, survive. Recenly It was shifted too act more as a Tactical unit and unoffialy a part of Kul Tiran Naval Intelligence as a strike force to be call upon.
Hello there and welcome to this post, some may know me from the Kul Tiran Marines or the Tirasgarde brigade after a break I decided since I couldn’t find a proper kul tiran military guild that wast just navy so I made my own. This will be a small guild centre around a small unit of comrades in arms in the service to kul tiras doing tactical strikes and accement and counter-intelligence and strike force, tactical in the sence we approch things as any tactician would and the later part counter_intelligence and strike force much like whats been seen from the S:I:7 just being Kul Tiran Naval Intelligence. Recruitment spots are limited to roughly 30 ic members excluding myself so it requires a certain level of activity. Do also focus on the social aspect a lot of the time, relaxing in between missions and having fun and be aktive in its community.
Penal Rank is a special rank reserve for people who not of the purest or criminals that thinks they got a shot at redemption in the name of Kul Tiras, the Lord Admiral and the Tidemother.
Cadets: Cadets are seen as those with zero military experience or lackluster of it proven in the by questions, they drill even harder so they learn quicker but also often get homework to do within short time, do otherwise deploy as extra troops.
Rookie: Now Rookies have serve a good amont of experiance or been deem worthy to recive this rank after Cadet time yet their little deffrent between them and Cadets other then they dont get homework and are deploy to the last line in battle as they got some combat experiance and wont mess things up as much as a Cadet would.
Private 1 class: Is the rank earned their metal proven themselves in Battle and training that they stand more than ready to face the enemy on the front and their training equally proven so and can now specialize themselves in duties approved by the Captain and Sergeant.
Specialist: Now these are veteran troops, proven over and over they stand the Company through the thick of the fighting and remain loyal yet don’t have the skills or their no room for more NCOS yet a rank well earned.
Sage: The Sage serves a special rank within the unit as its primary chaplain, who deals with any fallen or provides prayers for the troops or other religious matters.
Petty Officer: This rank counts as NCO Rank standing below the Sergeant, their can only be 1 for each 20 plus members in the Company do often their 2 in case the Sergeant Falls in battle then one is ready to step up to the plate of leadership, They been chosen one way or the other by simply matter of the Captain recruiting them directly or promoted from the ranks, they in charge of day to day activities when the Sergeant is not around.
Sergeant: Serves as the main field commander and responds only to the Captain’s orders and is in Charge of keeping the Company safe
Captain: The Captain rarely seen often just appearing for no reason to bark something at them and go about his own things, you rarely even see him at the helm of his ship or the unit often locked inside his cabin or office were he plan by paper and books and be real desk officer yikes.
Specialties within the company: One can earn these specialties of duties do they are not all are fun and games. When one reaches private one can train for one of them and is a demand to rank to specialist.
Combat Engineer: You have been put In charge of explosives, defence build and plan, disarming explosives and other various tasks like that they gain access to a portable gnomish machine gun and a trench shotgun and a breaching pistol and explosives and entrance and engineer tools in belt bags or hanging by the belt or back and the title Engineer.
Corpsman: you have been trained and selected to mend your comrades in the field when required by what means you can, you are trained in surgery, battlefield casualty assessment and so on. You gain access to more medical equipment including morphine type injection and surgery kit and potions, more bandages and so on and a lovely satchel to carry it and you earn the Title of Corpsmen or women.
Grenadier: You have been selected as a Grenadier, one capable of overcoming the hardest task and a master at grenade throwing. You gain access to if range a grenade launcher or Halberd and of course grenades, frag and smoke and a belt for all of it and climbing equipment without special issued, do be aware it’s a hazard as you are at risk of going boom and you earn the Title of Grenadier.
Ranger: Are yes you have been promoted to Ranger the masters of survival and tracking acting as advance party for the company you often find yourself in pairs or alone with a meeting spot drop into enemy held areas to gather intel. You gain access to a sniper rifle if range with spyscope or a a Glaive Polearm, papers pencils and tools to make maps and mark areas and a gnomish engineer stealth field generator portable lasting for 5 mins with only 2 batteries in spare and the title Ranger.
Artillerist: You earn the right to operate any form of artillery and can operate them with precision and accuracy no one else can and for the love of the sea safely. You gain access to a spy scope made for aiming and a shotgun range or a sword and dagger melee and also a mortar to be two man team on that acts as field artillery as its easy to carry split in two parts bottom and barrel.
Dragoon: The Dragoon are in this platoon the light infantry and cavalry of the Unit serving a vital role as messagers, scouts and shock force when required and they are to provide their own mounts and equipment for them and get them ready for rapid transport. They not knighted in this platoon but earns the title off Dragon.
The short answer is yes the long one is even short too. We require a specific set for Cadets, while Rookies and newly arrive keep their gear until basic training is done with the KT Surcoat free to change of course. The exception being that Cadets will use guild tabard. A formal uniform consisting of a white linen shirt, white pants and white helmet or hood and brown boots, gloves for petty officers and formal shirt as well. More on discord. Weapons free pick as long you can explain it if it shines
Basic training and promotions? Will happen over discord and a few training events, to complete it you must attend at least 2 sessions of training and a handful of events to prove you want to be part of this. Hope this is fair to all. You then advance 1 rank if you, not a Private First Class, aka Rookie too Private First Class and Cadet to Rookie. Penal units will serve a few months before being assign as Rookies if they don’t got a long Sentence.
Our Recruitment poster can be found on Argent Archives FFS BLizz for not allowing links, the text is below.
Kul Tiras wants you! The Theramore Anchor is a tactical platoon that focus on Anti-Intel/investigate operations and tactical operations. Deploy as a tactical strike unit or scouting party rather than an upfront fighting unit it. almost all races/classes allowed.
Now I wish to point out DKS are case to case base, prefer they be Ex soldeirs who knows whats its like and is not prone to simply go on a killing spree much to ask sure but its how it is. Why we allow this? All I say is look up KT Druids and you see a window for us to sligtly exploit. DH no go as it makes no sence for an Ilidari to serve Kul Tiras and Rendorei/void elf is a no due to what happend to the tidesages but ooc void elf thats ic a Quel’dorei is allowed.
What type of mission or events will you do?
Any that fits within a tactcal unit or counter-intelligence do primary the first one as well as training events usely once or twice a week do more if time allows. Do we also host social type events a lot in between missions when able. Our events are meant as to be tactical approch so combat may not always ensue. It may involve orginize crimes like smuggeling or pirates, treats to Kul Tiras and the Alliance and much more.
Are we a heavy, medium or light rp guild?
Hard to answear really we are not a military simulator at all, we take it serios when need to and joke around when its the proper time for such and enjoy rping while irl allows. My gues is medium.
If you got futher questions or wish to join let me know on Darimis or from the Kul Tiran commity discord server were you find me as well. rules be found ic rules at least on Argent Archives same name stupid no links.
Have a pleasent day.