[A-RP] The Ashblade Company - an open RP event initiative. For the Alliance! 🦁


Social RP: Welcome to Our Crib
21 July (Tuesday), @20:00 Server Time
The Ashblade Company has been granted a large building to act as a base. Members of the group are welcome to gather and inspect the new location, get the latest news regarding upcoming missions and start working on gathering supplies.
Location: Stormwind.


Hello, fellow roleplayers! As promised a few days ago, I now have the pleasure to officially introduce The Ashblade Company !

The goal of this initiative is to introduce more general RP to the realm, the kind that can be joined with little fuss or OOC responsibilities (more details available below).


“ The Company is a blade born from the ashes of Teldrassil. For us this heritage of death is a morose reminder that failure comes at a terrible price. Our creed is to protect the people and everything the Alliance stands for. Our duty is to ensure that we never have to pay that price again.”

IC the Company is a duo of loyalists who give out various missions focused on peacekeeping and securing the interests of the Alliance. Led by an accomplished zombie hunter Natasha Blake, the Ashblade goes where there are problems to be solved. Catching dangerous criminals, meddling in cultist affairs, culling rabid animals, acquiring new traumas and hunting Banshee Loyalists—all that and more awaits those brave enough to join the Company!


Becoming part of the Company is as easy as simply joining the event and receiving your official badge. That’s it! Membership is fully IC!

The Ashblade Company is an initiative first, everything else second. A guild is available for people who want the official tag under their name as well as the group’s tabard, but joining the guild is by no means required to fully enjoy everything the Ashblade has to offer.

All participants, both guilded and guildless, are strongly encouraged to join the in-game WoW community of The Ashblade Company (can be found in the Community Finder). While not strictly required, the community will be the main way of staying in touch and learning of the upcoming events, as it allows me to post community events that show up in members’ in-game calendars.

This forum thread will be consequently updated to include upcoming events.

The Ashblade insignia is an IC item that will be given out to people who join the Company. Members will be given a flavour text and the icon ID, so that the insignia can be placed in their First Glance tab of TRP if they so desire.


The roleplay will come in the form of either stand-alone one-evening events or short series ranging from 2 to 3 connected events, ideally hosted on consecutive days. I will aim for at least one story per month.

All events will start at 20:00 Server Time (unless stated otherwise). All additional requirements such as Elixir of Tongues, certain attire, the presence of mounts or other such things will always be listed in the event description. The Ashblade will provide a wide variety of RP, including both combat and social events.


TRP, MRP, or another RP addon of your choice.
DiceMaster: for markers.

Listener: for ease of determining who is saying what.
EmoteSplitter: for longer emotes.
Misspelled: because RP is about communication and spell check is its guardian angel.



Brava! :rose:

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A quality pitch from a quality group.

Welcome to the Ashfold.


I came here with an important question, I thought, but then I couldn’t remember my important question, but now I do :smiley:

Is quest progress / phasing in Westfall (going to be) an issue in these endeavors?

I ask because unbeknownst to this character, her grandfather got mysteriously separated from his “siblings in arms” not too long ago, in an area where there was phasing :nerd_face:


Not at all! If phasing happens we will simply use the Party Sync feature to put everybody in the group into the same shard.


the ashblade company has only 3 members right now ,including me,join in people!

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After accepting his payment, Mathiel observed calmly as the druid examined the sickle.

– ‘I hope that you are satisfied with the result. As requested, the reforged elunite has been hardened with the provided ash samples. The sickle should be able to enhance your ability to harness the lunar energies of the night sky.’

Dulvarinn gave a satisfied nod.

– ‘I see that the handle is carved from starwood. Remarkable craftmanship. Well done, Mathiel.’

The smith bowed politely and a moment of silence followed, only interrupted by the gulls flying over Darkshore.

– ‘It is tradition that tools and weapons forged from elunite are named.’ said Mathiel and gave the druid a solemn and slightly wary look: ‘Have you decided what to call this one?’

Dulvarinn moved his gaze from the sickle and glared at the burnt husk in the horizon. The combined fires of Thal’darah Grove and Teldrassil burned in his eyes.

– ‘Ashblade’.


Megorn looks hesitated,he dosnt want people hurt because of him,“Maybe i will send a messege to my friends.I hope my friend,Priestess Uda ,can join,or Even Maradan the shaman,although i do not know if he is capable for this…”

Is the meet-up this evening at the Furlbrows’, or at Sentinel Hill?

Unfortunately, due to internet reasons (it fizzled up about an hour ago I had to steal a cellphone to get this post through…) I might or might not be able to run the event tonight. I will try performing some more techno-voodoo to get the blasted thing up and running again, but as the issue hasn’t gone away so far I fear the problem might not be on my end. The timing is very unfortunate, as I had prepared some truly bombastic encounters to wrap up the Ashblade’s maiden voyage. :neutral_face:

(If my Internet doesn’t reincarnate within the next half an hour, I apologize for the inconvenience and promise to blow your mind with the next series to make up for today’s misfire.)

Damn it, technology.

I hope it will work,if it runs well,I suggest it will be better to run the event at 9 PM (server time)

I might be a big, hairy crybaby, but 9pm is a little late for me on an evening before a workday :nerd_face:

I can confirm that my events will never have the start planned for later than 8PM server time! The Pavlovian response of 8PM = RP Time is far too deeply ingrained in my brain… And given my need for sleep, even 8PM sounds late sometimes. :flushed:

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Now I have deja vu about an event that hasn’t happened yet.

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IMPORTANT: For the first event we didn’t use DiceMaster because I wasn’t certain how many people would show up, but the next one is going to require DiceMaster, so please make sure you have it downloaded and set up before the event. The addon comes with a detailed instruction. Note that we will only be using the unit frames feature, so other parts of the addons don’t need any attention. That said…

I hope the gnolls served as a nice warm-up! Now the Ashblade is ready to cause some real trouble!

…And for some reason I have an odd sense of deja vu as well. What could possibly be the reason? :thinking:

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A note is sent to the Ashblade officers, and/or pinned to the organization’s noticeboard if existing:

I regret to inform that I am unable to Blade this evening :wolf: :frowning:

Many members of my extended family are busy with… many different things; mostly saving the world, or at least making it a little safer, one foe or task at a time.

Due to some of them being active in the Tower of Krasha on Tuesday and Saturday evenings, I am required to be “house sitting” these evenings.

Hope you fare well, brave Ashblades!

Rawr, Paulina.

  • P.S. These relatives of mine are not busy on Wednesdays, so I should be able to come tomorr… Today.
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New event up, and this time it’s not a mission. We now have a proper base, so let’s take a breather!

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Migraines make for poor RP hosts. Unfortunately, the event’s been postponed. :grimacing:

posponed to when? and,good luck with the migraine

To whenever I have a free day to host! We will see when exactly. Possibly when the Hand is not busy chasing Voidy villains.

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