[A-RP] The Ballad of the Seven Fjords [Days 1 - 7] ❄️ "Winter's Breath" - full release!

Very much! As long as his powerlevel is not the Godfist of Pandaria then I’d love to have him on board. :wink: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Feel free to add me on Discord or message me ingame!

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Neutral horde characters you say? could the team benefit from a tracker/troll with big gun?

So far, none of the participating members are hostile towards Horde and the armistice is technically implemented. I - personally - would not mind having Horde characters on board, BUT there is one area where we will definitely trigger Alliance NPC guards, so in case you have a level 80+ Alliance character, you could switch to that toon for that night and still act out the part of your Horde character.

The original idea was neutral members affiliated to the Light, like Conclave priests or similar. I’d need to hear the reasoning for joining in! Either the troll being in the fjords already and joining the group for some reason, or something similar. There are definitely options, but try to keep it reasonable. :slight_smile:

You can find me on discord or ingame on Alliance side in the evenings!

Just a few days left until we set out!

Wednesday, 7th of October, we will head for the fjords!

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The majority of the people who will accompany Sinye have met in the past few days, but we’re still open to adding a few more companions!

The Fellowship of the Ring Fjord wants you!

I would like to sign up Jerry Brown, a Backup-Fighter (tracker) that speaks Tuskarr and has spent several years in Northrend.

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Wonderful! Now we only have one spot left!

We will set sail tomorrow at 20:10!

Would love to have one more Quel’dorei / Kaldorei,

and one additional random neutral character!

Tonight is the night!

Last chance to sign up!

If you’re interested and your character is either:

  • or Alliance-neutral / Horde-neutral,

then you’ve still got till 20:30 server time to sign up because then we’ll be arriving in the fjord!


  • Sign up via this thread
  • Find me ingame, character name OOC is Sinye

We’re shipping up to the fjords in less than an hour!

There’s still time to join! :relaxed:

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The Ballad of the Seven Fjords

Day 1 - Chapter 1 - The Warning

So they had come. So many of them. Mercenaries, trackers, wise men and quick-witted women, a ragtag group of individuals all following the call of a woman they barely knew.

But they trusted her – for now – for why would her words not speak of truth?

And so they set out from Stormwind harbor, pier 7, the Wrathful Wench of Captain Timothy Taylor would take them to the Howling Fjord.

Once they had gathered on the ship, once they had settled down, Sinye smiled at them and then watched as the vast city grew smaller and smaller in the distance.

Hours passed; and when nightfall arrived, the Wrathful Wench wound its way through the frosty cliffs.

Then Sinye inhaled deeply, turned toward her companions and began to sing … the Ballad of the Seven Fjords [Youtube].

Day 1 - Chapter 2 - Nightfall

The adventurers had made their way past the great citadel in the center of the Howling Fjord and had found a hut from which smoke arose. They knocked, not wanting to bend the rules of the fjords which stated:

  • All trades must be fair.
  • All words must hold truth.

So the group had waited and was invited by a strangely thin Vry’kul man, a hunter of sorts. Yaalon Snowcrow, his voice a was not unkind, but is demeanour most unusual to most strangers to the fjords.

The fellowship would spend the night in his hut, listening and talking, riddling and trying to accomodate to the fair trade Yaalon had in mind for them.

Some of the dialogue options:

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Day 2 - Chapter 1 - The Sage

The group finally arrived at the Rosewood monastery. They spent all morning and afternoon exploring the area, talking to the sage and some of the fifty odd people living up in the north eastern mountain monastery.

They met the old man, the sage, on the topmost floor of the main building. In fact, there were only two finished buildings and two still under construction. The whole place was surrounded by a wooden wall with two small gates. As it was a steep incline, any invaders would need serious leg work to make their way up to the walls whilst being shot at by the archers.

But all was peace, and so there was time to talk and to explore … though some called it more of an investigation, as not everything ever was as it may seemed.

Day 2 - Chapter 2 - Family

Sinye’s father had returned late in the day, he smiled at his daughter and gave her one of his bear hugs. The giant of a man that very much resembled a bear laughed loudly and heartily, then spoke to his daughter about her personal quest.


Day 3 - The Forlorn Port

Sinye and her companions had set out towards the east. She had spent a lot of time trying to tell her group that none of her people had ever returned after winter’s breath had taken her port town. She had failed to convince them of the dangers that lurked in the fog. The Crows in the Night, they lingered in the east, but none knew what they truly looked like.

After four hours working their way through thickening fog they had arrived at the outskirts of her town and carefully made their way into it. The mage that accompanied them – Aurosen – spoke of arcane anomalies; and Brig’thul, the draenei shaman, could make out the influence of a water spirit somewhere in the town center and out on the water.

The group would follow strange noises, bells tolling in the mist, women screaming in fear, twothousand footsteps running away from the pier toward the gate, a fiddle and a lute playing on-and-on and the whole time, they could hear the faint caw-caw! of a raven somewhere, circling them in the impenetrable fog.

Out on the sea, on top of a sunken man-o-war, they found the spirit of the first of the Seven with the help of Brig’thul, the shaman.

Then close to the pier they discovered an arcane anomaly, and Aurosen revealed it to the group.

They would work their way through town, discovering more and more clues and finding the spirits of the lost and forlorn Seven.

There was Vanja, still sitting on the bell that used to hang in the town hall’s tower.

Feeh was close to the ruins of the main gate. She smiled at the adventurers, and once Viktor had began to play an old folk tune whilst Sinye sang in accord, Feeh joined in on them and together they released her once and for all.

In the town center they found Rieka, searching for her lost child. They would return the child to her eventually, uniting them for all aeons to come.

And for returning Rieka’s lost child, the merchant Miss Flori would receive the flower’s last petal, one of the three mysterious items the group had to find in the fjords.

Then outside the port town, deep in the woods, they would discover Jorn of the Fifth Fjord’s skeletal remains. But he was not … alone.

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Mhmm, yes, make me feel that regret for not signing up, BABY.

Jokes aside, it looks freakin’ awesome and like the foolks are having fun. Good show, good show.

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I’m at least trying to have everyone else who couldn’t come feel a little bit included! Hope you’re beginning to freeze as well! :snowflake:


I might even have to cover my characters elbows, that’s how freezing it is. :smiley:

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Day 4 - Chapter 1 - West, Always West

The forlorn port had been cleansed of its corruption, the fog had cleared and the sky had become partially visible.

With the flower’s last petal acquired from Rieka’s spirit remains, the group set out to return to the monastery. They filled up their low supplies and decided that it was time to follow the map that Aurosen had found during the second day whilst exploring the monastery.

It was time to go west, for life was peaceful there. Or so they were told.

Day 4 - Chapter 2 - Of Fires Twicefold

They continued their journey, then, towards the south-west. Their tracker, Jerry, would lead them towards the ‘Great Lift’, for it was marked on the magical map they had found. They would be forced to take a detour though, as fires arose in the middle of the forest, and in these fires they would find a burnt down village.

The adventurers would soon enough realize that they were not alone and that not all things had been lost to the fire.

voiced by Ellena Mahr - https://www.fiverr.com/ellenamahr

Day 5 - Of Love Unrequited

For one would stay, the other would leave, to death would fall prey.

Once they had freed the soul of the child bound by fire, the adventurers made their way farther north, toward Lake Everwinter. There, covered in thick fog, they could hear the crystal clear song of an entity chained for all eternity.

They’d make their way across the ice, one by one they’d fall to the magical traps and were swallowed by cracks opening out of nowhere, until only one of them remained and reached the center of the lake, where all was quiet, now. The other members of the group were trapped in icy prisons, forced to wait for death to come. But the last man standing of the group, he manged to convince the fae creature to free his companions in exchange for a magical orb that would release her from her frozen prison.

And so they left, as the fae of frost disappeared into the fog, towards the screams and howls that could be heard from the north-west of the fjords. A storm was coming. Death … was coming for all of them.

The group made haste, returning as quickly as they could toward the Rosewood monastery.

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