[A-RP] The Ballad of the Seven Fjords [Days 1 - 7] ❄️ "Winter's Breath" - full release!

Day 6 - The Last of the Rosewood Monastery

Sinye and her companions returned in the early morning of the sixth day. She shouted to her people, gathered them in front of the great main hall and spoke to them of the looming death that would await them if they would not barricade their gates.

The men and women, thirtysix heavily fur- and armor-clad warriors, manned the wooden walls, closed off the gates and readied bows and crossbows alike. Whatever would come out of the mist, it would have to deal with humans who had learned to survive in the cold mountains, killing bears and yeti’s alike. The few elderly and the children were escorted by Sun Shiao, the Pandaren Lorewalker, into the main hall where he would tell stories to the children, serving as a last line of defense.

And Sinye would take a few of her companions, leading them out of the monastery, up the mountain path toward the summit of the Great Mountain underneath which the monastery rested.

Sinye, Miss Flori Eastoft, Aurosen Colt, the Ratknight Sir Sedrick and good Jerry, a trapper, would join her, as they carried the three answers that they had seeked.

Miss Flori carried the flower’s last petal, Jerry held on to the brightest gleam - a crystal of fire and light -, and Sir Sedrick had proven to be the strongest metal, convincing the fae of frost to free the adventurers from their icy prison on the day before.

So then they set out … as winter’s breath had began to howl their names.

The rest of the group, Viktor, Lucia, Mira, Ivy, Sun Shiao and Brig’thul the Draenei, they would remain with her father, Bjarngrim, and would aid in the defense of the monastery.

Hours would pass before the undead army would arrive. Maybe enough time to reach the top of the Great Mountain.

But the wind was unkind to the group, and the cold was upon them.

They barely survived an avalanche, throwing themselves to the ground close to the mountain’s frozen rocky cliffside, but just about two hundred meters off of the summit they were surrounded by a snowstorm meant to pierce them with icicles. There was no way out, no magic left, as their only mage Aurosen had been struck my something that had sucked the mana right out of him.

Sinye felt helpless, hopeless, lost and forlorn; so she raised her voice, one last time, and began to sing.

And her song carried far, down the mountain, and was answered by none other than her father.

The storm cleared for a few moments, allowing the group to reach the summit.

And all was quiet, as they had reached the eye of the storm. They presented themselves to the gentle glowing light on the altar, and then they were embraced by goodness and peace.

Yes, they were in the presence of the Light, and nothing could harm them here - or so they were led to believe.

Day 7 - Chapter 1 - All That Remains

During midnight, the five adventurers had managed to return to find the Rosewood monastery’s gates ripped open, the corpses of far too many of Sinye’s people lay sprawled in the snow, torn apart, bleeding out, dying or already gone.

They aided in killing off the last of the undead and Sinye would soon realize that the creatures they were fighting were her kin, all those who had been lost to winter’s breath seven years ago. They had returned as an army of undead, forced to murder the last of their own.

When the killing was done, when they had barely managed to survive the onslaught, Sinye counted the dead.

Thirtyfour out of thirtysix. Only the Mountain Lioness, Faeya, and her father, Bjarngrim the Rosewood Bear, had survived. The elderly and the children were save with Sun Shiao, but far too many of her people had been lost.

Sinye would spend all night gathering the corpses, then they’d burn them as she wept till no more tears were left to give. And then dawn came, and the seventh day was upon them.


Day 7 - Chapter 2 - Prophecy

Sinye, the mercenaries and the volunteer adventurers had set out to enter the Great Mountain through a mine shaft.

Deep in the dark they would find a hidden door that led them into an underground facility. An eery silence lingered inside the far too old complex.

No noise but the drip-drip-drip of water could be heard as they made their way through the gloomy hallways until they reached a gigantic cavernous room with a hole at least three hundred meters deep, about a hundred levels of … crypts? Tombs? They weren’t all too sure, but before they could think further on it, they heard a far too familiar voice …

Sinye charged ahead; with her magic returned to her, she would fear no evil. The Light aura about her radiated as she channeled a spell to purge the necromancer. Then, all was chaos as the group followed her charge!

Beaten half to death if not on the brink of death, the adventurers triumphed this night. They wouldn’t grasp what they had done until much later as they left. The necromancer and his council had perished, defeated by a few good men and women.

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Literally? :snowflake: :blush:

Hands down one of the greatest RP experiences I’ve had.


Yes! :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:

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Proper good stuff. Hope you’ll do more in the future, even if we did almost turn on the party once or twice.

Signed, mr. ratknight

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