[A-RP] The Ballad of the Seven Fjords [Days 1 - 7] ❄️ "Winter's Breath" - full release!


— The Ballad of the Seven Fjords —

— For all videos click here! —

When October 7th to 15th with approx. 2 ooc break days

Who NEUTRAL CHARACTERS welcome! Alliance / Neutral ‘Horde’ as my character is a Conclave member and cares little for Alliance or Horde affiliation.

Mercenaries, Sailors, Traders, Archaeologists, Mages, Healers, Trackers, non-fighter characters, etc.

Where Howling Fjord

Slots remaining SIGN UPS LINK! — Please see list below!

"The Rosewood Bastion"

She was watching the people pass by. She watched for long hours, sometimes someone piqued her interest and she would follow them with her gaze, furrowing her brows and pondering on whether they might be the right one to ask.

Oh, how she had considered this so many times. That woman in heavy armor with a two-handed sword strapped across her back, or that noble man with his bodyguard with far too many scars across his once maybe pretty face, or that Dwarf wearing glasses, studying the brick pattern on a wall. They were all intriguing people, very much so, indeed, but were they the right ones for what lay ahead?

And so she had stayed quiet, frequented brawl nights in shady alleys, trying to find the right persons to question, to hire, to recruit … to trust.

Eventually, she did. In the midst of night, uncalled for, an older man, a veteran of many wars, had told her of a group of mercenaries who would work for their own choice of remuneration - yes, payment that would come once the job was done, not beforehand.

During one of the brawl nights she had stumbled upon an out of place knight, had talked to him about her quest, the worries she had and the dangers that lurked in the snow. And … he listened, though unsure, but he spoke to his captain and they were considering aiding her cause.

Maybe, just maybe, she would be able to return … alive … with the help of these people. But still they were few, without a crew and ship to sail them north, without people who could care for the soldiers, who knew of logistics and of ancient matters in the cold that was her home.

She should know. She did know, but there was far too much for such a one as her, and she had been lost for far too long.

The Rosewood Bastion sighed, she was but a small servant of the Light in the sky, but clouds were gathering and a storm was nearing — and again noone seemed to care about the words of her sage … would the tragedy repeat itself and would all of her kin perish?

OOC - Plot, Details and Signing Up

Hello Argent Dawn!

This may be a big forum thread for few possible sign up slots left, but I wanted to reach out to all those who I’ve not met IC on my walks through Stormwind or during Conclave meetings.

PLOT: The whole plot will be played out in the Howling Fjord with a potential IC evening in Stormwind before and/or after the journey – at least, if we return alive. The story plays in real time and is affected by the events unfolding prior to the release of Shadowlands, though the core of the plot is not related directly to Shadowlands, but is focused on the Howling Fjord and tidbits of lore about it.

Voice Actors: I have spent over four months gathering voice actors from all around the world for this plot that has been dear to me since I started running through story ideas two years ago. I am very close to having all lines sorted out and processed. The voice actors will be credited in their individual videos!

Plot & Voice Acting: What you will experience is not an audioplay as I’ve done this before. This time, I wanted to try out a more hands-on approach by using RPG elements found in games such as Skyrim or Dark Souls.

  • I have created multiple NPC’s that will have various dialogue options you can run through to receive pre-recorded voice lines.

  • In addition, you can find story tidbits around the lore of this plot scattered in specific areas of the Howling Fjord, all under the guidance of Sinye to keep you on track but with the ability to choose which NPC’s story you want to pursue.

  • There are numerous stories to follow and all offer a reward if solved, similar to a quest. It is possible to miss out on some of the stories, and it is also possible to fail at an objective. Death is always an option, too, but that’s your call, really.

  • If the characters manage to find many (if not all) correct clues, they can unlock a proper ending to the plot, but that is dependant on the choices and resilience for I am not a kind DM and enjoy watching you burn triumph!


NOTE: No powerful characters such as Death Knights or Demon Hunters will join this plot as my character would never actively seek them out for her quest — I’m sorry! This is about a few people on a journey facing various obstacles more than about fighting monster hordes, though some fights may occur!

Roles Available Taken
Fighters (Mercenaries / Soldiers) +/- 1 +/- 7
Support (Medics / Mages / etc.) 1 3
Backup-Fighter (Archaeologists / Merchants / Sailors / Tracker / etc.) 0 4
TOTAL: +/- 15 or 16

Dates / Schedule

As I do not wish to keep people from experiencing the pre-patch events for SL, this plot will either be put on halt for a week, or will play after people had the chance to take part in the pre-patch events, thus I aim for October 7th through October 15th with at least two days of OOC break or casual camp RP!

Estimated time frame:
About 6-7 nights of roleplay, about 9 ooc days.


  • Sign up via this thread
  • Find me ingame, character names OOC are Sinye

No matter where you come from, from wherever you may hail
Those seeking answers … to the Howling Fjords they must sail
– Sinye of the Seven Fjords


Not gonna lie - this looks very amazeballs.

Hope it works out. :smiley:

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Thank you very much!

The only true challenge is working around those pre-patch events, really! :slight_smile:

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Just reading through it all, this looks amazing!

I hope it all works out for you!

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Colour me impressed. I would totally sign up if it were not for a RL move. Always love to see ambitious projects like this one.

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This is the kind of stuff i love, small group campaigns with a focus on cooperation. and those voice actors, damn! i’d absolutely love to sign up for that last mercenary/fighter spot if its still available!

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I’m going to have to message some people to check in how many players they are bringing as I’m pretty much being accompanied by two different military/fighter guilds, hence I’m mainly searching characters who are not strictly fighters.

I don’t mean that people who would join as “non-fighters” aren’t allowed to fight, I am simply talking about characters not designed as fighter types per se. :thinking: :wink:

PS: try to message me ingame or so, as that’s easier to discuss there oftentimes!

What about powerful casters? I see that you’ve included Mages, but a Mage can be pretty damned powerful. What would the power limit be? (If that’s a thing)

So far we’ve only had one caster join our ranks and he said that he’s got some abilities that will aid the group but nothing extraordinary.

I’m trying to aim for a Fellowship sort of roleplay, where all have to rely on each other.

A mage can cast some sort of spell but then needs a break and has to let the non-caster characters do some work before he can act again. He may aid in melee or whatever, or help the non-fighters, but this plot is not about fighting or teleporting an army of a 100 people from one place to another.

This is about working as a team, using your wits and your specialties to progress. So if you think your character can solve this plot alone because he’s very talented, then he’s probably not the right character for this.

Powerlimiters can be set, of course, but so far we have not needed to talk of them!

Updates regarding the group and its current members are to follow soon.

If your character knows how to fight but is mainly doing something else that is not fighting, then they might be perfect for this plot.

We may have one support mage accompany us so far, but would love healers or other support as well!

If you want to make a profit, you could also join us with a merchant or whatnot!

I noticed you are still in need of some healers, so if you have the space for one. I would love to join in this adventure!

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Cheers Shylaenia!

I will attempt to message you ingame! I’m definitely sure there’s space for a healing-oriented character!

But keep in mind, you won’t have to limit yourself to just healing, it’s just meant to create a bit of a strength-weakness diversity!

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Of course! My character is mainly a healer but also knows how to fight. Looking forward to the adventure though!

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Total possible participants:

  • +/-:seven: fighters
  • +/-:four: support characters
  • +/-:four: backup / non-fighters

:crossed_swords: Fighter-type characters — I’ve adjusted some values and made some space for participants!

:moneybag: Non-fighters are still available, though that does not mean your character will not have to fight!

Currently, :woman_mage: Support has been granted one more slot!

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Planned dates as of now:

October 7th through October 15th with at least two days of OOC break or casual camp RP!



Alliance / Neutral as my character is a Conclave member and cares little for Alliance or Horde affiliation.

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Looks amazing! Can’t join for the events themselves, but if you ever need a bit of a gruff, deep voice for any other work, I’d love to lend a hand!

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Hello Balthendras!

Oh, I would definitely have you on board for voice recording next time! I tried finding people on Argent Dawn and managed to find one, at least, but the rest are all from outside WoW! :slight_smile:

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You and your two or three companions wish to embark on this adventure with a group mainly consisting of individuals? Feel free to join in!

Group / Guild sign-up size is four!

This allows for at least two/three more individual spots!

Feel free to message me on Discord or Ingame (Mail, IC or OOC)!

Sun Shiao here is very much an all-rounder type. Would just be filling in whichever role is needed most at the time. If there’s room for that, would love to be part of it!

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