[A-RP] The Cerulean Aegis

Recruitment Status: Open!

No Demon Hunters, Death Knights, Fel / Demonology Warlocks or insane / evil characters.

Tandrin, Sévéstrá, Blackcreek

“I have seen my share of death, both honourable and despicable, and yes, I know that war is a brutal, bloody business capable of bringing out the best and the worst in men. This is a harsh, dangerous time we live in but the minute we forget what matters most and leave our own kind to die we might as well lay down our weapons then and there.”

The Cerulean Aegis, as a regiment within the Alliance armed forces, stands to defend what matters most; it’s people.

We have proven time and again that objectives lost in war can be retaken, land overrun by a foe can be cleared to return to fit purpose and even cities lost to the ravages of conflict can be rebuilt. The very heart and soul of our Alliance, of it’s many varied kingdoms, is and will always be it’s peoples. Lives lost is always a tragedy and while there is always an argument to be made that sometimes sacrifice is necessary for victory there is is never a day when the people of the Alliance will go undefended.

The Aegis is a relatively small regiment formed of 3 branching sub-divisions; The Swords, the Shields and the Shadows.

Each sub-divisions, led by it’s own Captain, focuses on a specific aspect of a combative formation’s whole.

Aggression and relentless attack in pursuit of an enemy are the Swords.

Stalwart and unflinching defence of allies and objectives comes from the Shields.

While intelligence gathering, subtle combat maneuvers and key target assaults form the Shadows.

At the head of the Aegis sits the Command Council.

Three divisional Captains and the leading Commander work together to form plans of action and direction to ensure that every possible action can be considered before any outcomes are settled and plans set in place.

Ranks and Progression:

Aspirant -
Joining the Guild means spending some time as an Aspirant.
This is our “trial” rank whereby people can see if the guild is for them and their character while we also get to know both the character and player that wants to be a part of the Guild.
To advance an Aspirant spends a single deployment working under each Captain in each sub-division to allow an informed decision to which they want to progress.

Sword -
The aggressive combatants within the Aegis that strive to strike at their foes and deal the final blow. Pursuit of an enemy, destruction of enemy positions and forces should be their main goals and drives.

Shield -
The very epitome of what the Aegis stands for the Shields are those that put themselves between the enemy and the Alliance. Protectors, medics and anyone willing, and able, to stand as the unmoving protectors of others.

Shadow -
The Shadows handle intelligence gathering, infiltration and sabotage. Stealthy, smart and able to solves problems on the go these capable individuals will work both as part of the greater force in combat and as separate cells in the field.

Proven -
After serving time in one of the sub-divisions the Captains put people forward for the trials.
After facing and passing a trial from each Captain and the Commander one becomes one of the Proven. You remain a part of your chosen sub-division but you are a now further trusted as a Veteran member.

Warden -
Each deployment will have a single Warden. By volunteer or by election from the leading council the Warden is a temporary roll in which the selected guild member becomes a member of the leadership council.
It can be because of experience in someone’s background, an insight missing from the council or as a trial for potential advancement.

Castellan -
Castellans are advisors, second-in-command and step-up replacements for their Captain.
Each Captain selects a single Castellan to be their second, to train to one day take over the role of Captain and to act as an extension of the leadership council. Even taking command of small missions and tasks when oversight is needed in the field.

Captain -
Captains are the heads of the sub-divisions and second in rank to the Commander; leading in absence of higher authority or sometimes even when the Commander is present.
The Captains form the leadership council and are broken down into the Sword Captain, Shield Captain and Shadow Captain leading each division respectively.

Commander -
Leader of the Aegis it falls to the Commander to lead in the field, organise and run the operational day-to-day of the guild as well as head interactions with different groups, guilds and cultures.

What we are looking for?

Out of character:

  • Mature roleplayers that understand the lore of both the world and race/class they play.

  • Creative, helpful, friendly and patient players.

  • Players that value realism in their roleplay.

  • Players who have a sense of humour and want to have fun.

  • Players that log on and play on at least a semi-consistent basis.

  • Willingness to work through OOC issues in a mature manner.

In character:

  • Characters willing and able to partake in the military structuring, attitude and environment.

  • Characters looking to start, or advance, a military career.

  • Characters that are proud to serve a higher cause and devote themselves to the protection of the people and lands of the Alliance.

What can you expect from us?

  • An environment which allows for, and actively encourages and helps, character growth and progression.
  • Regular events both military in nature but also social, diplomatic and humanitarian.
  • Active involvement within the Community; interaction with other guilds, groups and involvement in large scale multi-guild events.
  • An active internal community with friendly, helpful players who enjoy various aspects of the game (PvP, M+, Raid etc) as well as playing other games together through discord!

How do you join?

The best way to go about it is to come find us!
When not deployed somewhere, camped someplace doing something we’re bound to be around in Stormwind either actively recruiting or enjoying some downtime with friends.

Failing that feel free to direct a whisper to any of our Officers who will be more than happy to not only answer any questions you may have but also arrange a time and place for an IC chat!


Met these guys in the Crimson Compass Campaign, they are great bunch, if anyone is thinking of joining up, I whole heartily recommend it!

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Thanks Kaibyrne!
Was a pleasure working with the Twelfth each time we did :smiley:


There’s only room for one Aegis in Azeroth. Rolls up sleeves

Good luck with this! I hope it goes well and we get to see you in the game :slight_smile:

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I’ve known both Tandrin and Sevestra for quite some time now and they’re both great people. To anyone looking to join, you’ll be in good hands.

Best wishes with the guild!


Hahaha bring it on!

Thanks for the support and I hope so too!!

Thanks Basil! You’re always welcome to anything we get ourselves into :smiley:


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