[A-RP] The Circle of Ash 🐍

The Circle of Ash has recently settled in the ruins of Thaurissan near Chiselgrip. While their main goal is to ultimately reach the Plaguelands far to the north, the Burning Steppes and many lands inbetween are bound to catch the group’s interest. While most struggle to bear the heat and would likely prefer to swiftly move on, others are eager to examine the changes that Ragnaros’ summoning has brought to the flora and fauna. Again one other is bound to have her curiosity into the element of fire satisfied, and that no less than via the unwitting help of a dark iron dwarf who only wished to uncover the secrets of his lineage… :fire:

At the same time, a twice-cursed worgen by the name of Kother has enlisted the aid of the Circle of Ash. Joining them on their journey for now, they hope to free him of his magical ailment in more starlit lands: Loch Modan.


After a little hiatus the group will be picking up again soon and continuing their journey through the Eastern Kingdoms! A mysterious quel’dorei’s missive has yet to be delivered, and there is plenty to be found in the Plaguelands.

With an event yesterday we have moved on to the Wetlands, where the group has taken up solving a young kaldorei’s trouble with a mysterious ghost! We currently camp outside the Greenwarden’s Grove.

Throwing up there in case on holiday but still active <3

Dito the above! <3 I am allergic to threads near locking. sneezes

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