Damn that really sucks, But have you heard of The Hand of Zul? Not self plugging or anything but you know. If you finna get some good ol’ fire RP in do take your shot with us.
Then please learn to read the webpage properly. This thread isn’t about us, it is about SW RP, but as you seem to have a few misunderstood views on our webpage, feel free to poke me next time you log your AD toon. Then I can tell you about one of that guild’s member’s delightful rp in Duskwood tavern earlier or very close by outside, that was of a sexual nature and was suggested to be taken privately by the character said toon was rping with. As people love to say on this forum, no smoke without fire, eh?
But you don’t associate with adult roleplayers (edited to please a troll!) so I’m probably worrying about nothing.
I wish I had never bothered replying to your worries in the first place about this initiative and whether people will end up locked out from it. Apologies Albrecht, and as I said, good luck to you all.
Will this system also be open to working with the Horde players who may want to set up something for the military Guilds to face, such as a spy group being outed or dangerous prisoners escaping, since the possibility sounds interesting.
Yeah, hopefully — Rakhuul is in the discord ATM as well as a couple other Horde GMs, and other players looking to set up the possibility of something like this are more than welcome to join.