[A RP] The Crystal Path

The Crystal path is looking for able bodied adventurers to help explore and save Azeroth!

The Crystal Path is a multi-racial travelling and adventuring, caravan group RP Guild, that has been going for a year and a half now. Our main focus is on traversing the now dying world of Azeroth to find damaged, corrupted or chaotic areas, and attempt to restore them back to a more stable and balanced state. We plan on doing this in a varying number of ways, such as:

* Cleansing lingering fel corruption, and emerging Shadow Corruption
* Mending wounds in the earth
* Purging remaining demons and other corrupted beasts
* Rebuilding destroyed communities and structures
* Quelling panic and disorder
* And extracting any Azerite we can find, to keep it safe

To accomplish all of this, our group requires a variety of different individuals. While everyone is encouraged to pitch in every way they can, we have 3 key roles to be fulfilled. They are:

  • Artisans, to keep the caravan running, well stocked, and funded
  • Guardians, to keep the caravan, and the world around us defended
  • Mystics, to cleanse the corruption we find, and study any important artefacts, relics and other powerful items we find

As a travelling guild, we will be moving across all of Azeroth, where we will dedicate usually a few months to a region of the world. During which we will balance our time between staying around social town hubs, and adventuring out into the wilderness. Likewise, we will be aiming for a comfortable balance between participating in our own guild events (which will serve to complete objectives, and further both guild and personal character storylines) and doing casual RP either around the campfire in the wilderness, or in busy towns and villages along the way.

Though the guild does have some very important objectives and tasks, it is not designed to feel like a strict military or religious order. Rather, it’s designed more to feel like a close-nit group of travelling friends and even family, filled with a variety of different individuals. Additionally, the guild is designed to evoke the experience of travelling through a large and lively world. Travelling across the regions and zones may take time, but through either events or by participating in the community RP that we find, it should feel exciting and fresh.

If you’re interested in joining us on our travels, please feel free to get in touch with myself or Casious. We will be happy to answer any questions that you have, or arrange your induction. Additionally, if you wish to arrange any other kind of RP with us, which we can participate in on our travels, we would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day everyone.


Best guild in the LCU 10/10.


The Crystal Path is a solid and lovely guild with plenty of Rp to get involved in. The guild has a Discord server, a roll system for events, multiple DMs with long running story lines that offers character development and memorable ic moments. Any concept can join, it is a great place to experiment with more rare concepts that maybe you have not been wanting to test the waters with in Stormwind or similar hubs. There are events every week and your decisions as a character and as a group affects the outcome of the ongoing story. Come give it a try, it has all the hallmarks of a good Rp guild.


With no prior experience with roleplaying outside the occasional ttrpg fling with friends, getting into WoW RP seemed like a rather daunting challenge. Having previously only played the game going: “me press frostbolt watch enemy hp go down” I didn’t really pay a lot of mind to the story or the world around me.

I’m very glad that I got a character on AD and applied for the Crystal path thanks to reading their OG forum post because this friendly group of people introduced me to a whole new aspect of this game that I immensely enjoy now. I have several characters that travelled far and wide with the caravan and participated in adventures that I’ll never forget.

Pretty good guild.


Heard a ton of good things and I think the concept fits my druid very well!

Hoping to catch you when I’m online for a chat soon.

Hey everyone, a few updates. We have been spending the past few weeks in Zul’Drak, but next week will be setting off into the Storm Peaks as we enter the final stretch of our travels across Northrend. If anyone else is about braving the coldest parts of the world, feel free to come and say hello.
We’re currently also having a limited recruitment period, as we’re quite happy with the number of active members at RP events and sessions. However some exceptions can be made and some openings can come up in the near future, so if you are really interested in the guild feel free to let me know and we can arrange something.

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The concept sounds like a promising one. My character here likes to travel and seek out monsters, etc.

Hi everyone

I recently decided to give RP servers a chance, and now I can’t go back to Silvermoon. Don’t wanna transfer characters, so I’m leveling from scratch. And I’m looking for a guild, and yours seem really nice to me. I’m planning on playing this warrior, and I’d like to tank, but I didn’t play for quite a while WoW, got back in Legion, so I’m still filling up the gaps.
Also, I’m willing to RP, also getting used to it, but I have history with RP since DnD in my younger days.

Anyway, I’d like to get an invite if you don’t mind my learning curves, or whisper me if I need to pass some initiation. :slight_smile:
All the best, cheers.

This guild sounds extremely likeable and fun, to be honest.

I’m always happy to hang around with this folk. Mature players, great combination of unique characters, simple stat system. And extreme dedication from Lebular and other DMs who keep creating events three times a week for already a year and half, while still allowing everyone to anytime hop on and off to suit their RL needs. :heart:

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Have a free bump. :slight_smile:

Nearing the end of a very long guild campaign. It will be nice to get out of Northrend, but it’s been one hell of a ride!


With Northrend now finished up, the Titan chamber re-purified with Azerite.
We prepare to head back to the Eastern Kingdoms to prepare for funding for our Pandaria campaign and the (presumably) final Titan chamber

With Blizzard finally catching up to the excellent writing skills of the LCU and putting their lame Red vs Blue story on hold, what better time to consider joining the Crystal Path? After all what do you want to tell your grand kids your involvement was in the shameful Fourth war? That you just followed orders? That you ripped out Azeroths blood for warfare? Not cool.

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Sounds pretty cool to me tbh

These guys are the best! I only joined recently but had some good times already :slight_smile:

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Heya everyone, the Crystal Path ended their journey in Northrend almost a couple months back, rapping up a very long and ongoing story line for the guild in what I hope was a satisfying manner.

Next year we plan on heading off on the start of a new grand adventure, to continue our work to help mend Azeroth of its wounds by investigating The Titanic facilities located beneath the mysterious continent of Pandaria.

In the meanwhile we have been travelling around the North of the Eastern Kingdoms. We spent a few weeks staying with the Wildhammer Dwarves of Aerie Peak, and now are camping out in the Hillsbrad Foothills. During our travels we have discovered some strange ancient Ogre Runestones that have been distributed among the local warring Ogre Clans and Troll Tribes, who are using their elemental twisting magics to threaten the stability of the region once more. We’ve ventured into troll settlements, ancient elven ruins, slime filled caves, the Ruins of Durnholde and Dalaran in our quest to uncover and stop the source of these runes, as well as to assemble the lost pieces of a magical Highborne bow.

Our quest may take us up into the scarred Plaguelands or the War-torn Arathi Highlands next, so if you’re interested in meeting up with us, or joining our caravan of adventurers, please feel free to get into contact with us.


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