[A-RP] The Everstill Tourney Jan. 2025

The Everstill Tourney
Lakeshire, Redridge.
Jan. 2nd-6th 2025

“Let it be known throughout the realms, that over the Lake Everstill as tradition deigns, our fourth celebration, of six great games of skill shall take place! We invite all loyal and rightwise subjects and guests of his Royal Majesty to harken, and heed our call. Whether it be to hone blade, lance, or horseshoe, whether your aptitude is that of wizardry or martial combat, your fortitude will be put to show! Those fair few, the most valiant handful of the many, are they who shall receive laurels and heartfelt favour both"
— Rheanon ap Sharwyth

The Tourney over Lake Everstill, celebrates the chivalric traditions of the Eastern Kingdoms, and the might of the Grand Alliance that preeminently dominates the continent. In these games men and women engage in friendly contests to each their martial merits, and with each their chance to win fame and fortune if they are the bravest and the mightiest who compete. The event is bankrolled by the noble Anroths, an old Lordaeronian family, who are patrons of art, and guests of the House of Nobles in Stormwind.

Once again we are pleased to be returning to Redridge with the fourth instalment of the Tourney, which shall take place over the course of five days, on the 2nd-6th of January, in 2025. Receiving the good people of Everstill this year, is Rheanon ap Sharwyth, a cousin of the noble Anroths, who shall see to the illustrious family tradition, while the young lord Llywarch continues his doughty quest to seize the grail of knighthood.

In this instalment of the tourney, we have revamped several contest rules in minor and major ways, namely the Recital, and the Jousting which has received a comprehensive rules overhaul, to provide a more thematic experience for participants and spectators. Likewise, the Recital has been adjusted to encourage bardic talent throughout the six days of festivities, with the most robust songster to be named Bard of Everstill on the final day.

The Player’s Guide
For the participants of the games, who sign on to the lists and compete, we have written a comprehensive Player’s Guide, that elaborates on the rules and requirements of each contest, the attractions and entertainments, as well as how they will be carried out.

The Guide


The Contests
The Tourney games consist of six different contests held over a period of five days (see the Schedule below), each commemorating the Grand Alliance in its own way, from hastilude to race. In this section we list the different contests as well as their requirements. A more in-depth elaboration of each contest is given in the Player’s Guide that can be found linked in this thread. The prizes for the winners come in the shape of a lavish item commissioned by the noble hosts of the tourney as well as a winner’s purse rewarded to the first and second places of every competition.

In the interest of additionally motivating our participants who sign up to compete, we have chosen to give the winner’s purse the in-game representation of gold that is collected by the participants who purchase into the lists of their respective competition. It is none our intention to keep any of this gold to ourselves, but to pool it for the winners of the first and second places of the competitions. Due to the uncertain proportions of the currency, the hosts of the tourney will be intentionally vague about just how much gold is in the winner’s purse on an in-character basis, allowing the participants their own imagination as to the outrageous wealth rewarded.


Archery: In honour of the famous Archers of the Eastern Kingdoms, the noble Anroths have commissioned an esteemed bowyer in the Kingdom to fashion, out of Holyoak from the Northshire Valley, a mastercrafted longbow worthy of a Hero, that shall be granted to whosoever aims the keenest in their Games.


Duelling - An ancient and honourable way to settle disputes. One throws down the gauntlet, another picks it up, and they fight in single combat. The noble Anroths have commissioned for the winner a princely rapier, crafted by the famous Thorium Brotherhood, and wrought from their namesake.


Melee - In honour of warriors, the hosts of the Tourney enact that swords with sharp points are not to be used, nor indeed pointed weapons, and neither is magic of any kind permitted in the contest, lest a contestant was to win by magic instead of their own mettle. The hosts of the tourney also enact that whoso wins the competition shall be granted a venerable spear, that once belonged to a Royal Guard, who stood watch over the court of House Menethil, in the Imperial Chamber of blessed Lordaeron.


Racing - The heroes of the Eastern Kingdoms come in all stripes and sizes, and just as one celebrates the valour of the boldest who fight, so must the fastest who ride also find their acclaim in the Everstill Tourney. Here in honour of courageous runners who risk limb and neck in the delivery of war-time messages, the hosts of the Tourney will dedicate the horse race to them, and have commissioned that the winning rider shall be awarded a saddle knife, forged wholly of marvelous mithril, with masterful embellishments on the blade.


Wizardry - In honour of the ancient alliance between the Humans and High Elves, the hosts of the Tourney challenges the magi of the Alliance to compete in a friendly game of duel and draw; that by Wands of Evocation whoso knocks the others with the brightest and most magnificent of spells shall receive with due their reward; a tome once gifted unto the noble House Anroth, in the earliest days of the tragically befallen City.


Jousting - Noble tradition dictates that whoso participates in this contest must be a noble knight or dame, and must proclaim this knighthood to the lists in worthy fashion that they may be celebrated in their jousting. To whoever wins this friendly game, the hosts of the Tourney shall offer a strong Evendale who is most prized of all horses in the Elwynn Forest, renowned for their loyalty and even tempers. Human nobles have long favoured this majestic breed for its beautiful golden coat and flowing white mane.

The King’s Peace
All present on the Tourney grounds, be they there to spectate or participate in the friendly games, do on their personal honour acknowledge and agree to observe the chivalry and the courtesy of the Grand Alliance; that for the duration of their presence they shall pursue no vendettas and attempt no quarrels with their fellow subjects and guests of His Royal Majesty, the High King, but honour their opponents instead in the spirit of these friendly games.

Notice: Assistance, Merchants and other Entertainment

Bard, fortune teller, merchant? There are many RP concepts that have the opportunity to thrive during this occasion, and we would like nothing more than to welcome such characters to participate in this platform. See the Contact Details if you would like to run a stall, host some entertainment or similar venture during the Everstill Tourney.

In addition, anyone who wishes to help, be it as a judge or by other management, such as attendants, or medics etc. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Details

In-game: Mourningdove

In-game: Ilthanir, Ecnerwal

In-game: Bellamina
Discord: bellamina

In-game: Stuart

In-game: Faelenn

The Schedule

Opening of the Tourney - 2nd January - Thursday
The Grand Parade - 8:00PM
Opening Speech - 8:10PM
Duelling (16x) - 8:20PM

3rd January - Friday
Racing (25x) - 8:00PM
Melee (35x) - 9:10PM

4th January - Saturday
Archery (20x) - 8:00PM
Wizardry (8x) - 9:10PM

5th January - Sunday
The Riddle Game - 7:10PM
Jousting (16x) - 8:00PM

Final Day of the Tourney - 6th January - Monday
Jousting Finale (4x) - 8:00PM
Closing Speech - 9:30PM
The Illumination of Everstill - 9:35PM
The Feast of Everstill & Recital - 9:40PM

Signing Up
When signing up, please contact the organisers of the event in your own time, so that we can invite you to the event discord. Note that the available spots may be expanded depending on interest leading up to the Tourney. For fees, rules, and additional information about the contests, see the Player’s Manual. Note that the order in which participants are fully admitted is based on when they deliver the fee.

If you wish to sign up for a fully booked event, it is possible to request a spot on the reserve list, simply use the format as usual, with the addition of the words ‘Reserve’. On the day of the contest, if there are available spots due to non attendance, you’ll be able to join. You will still be required to pay the contest fee. However, you will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the Tourney, if you aren’t able to take part, and contact one of the organisers.


If you wish to sign up for any of the above contests, please format accordingly:
Name: Uldaman the Wizard
Guild (optional): Caer Anroth
Contest: Wizardry


The Lists

Archery (0/20 spots available)
Abilyn Lister (Abilyn)
Isuna Jones (Isuna)
Lelianne Cindersong (Lelianne)
Doolan Raun (Doolan)
Myra Prescott (Myrtella)
Jeremy S. Lochton (Lochton)
Sir Edric Harrenberg (Bohémond)
Lauralie “Laura” McConnor (Courier)
Justinia V. Stannard (Venable)
Renzo Gildenguard (Gildenguard)
Vianne Swiftblade (Víánne)
Zydra Nightfury (Elazará)
Hoplin (Hoplin)
Ritfrid Three-Oak (Ritfrid)
Evangeline (Sanctifern)
Theodal Bramwell (Theodal)
Lady Marisol Cousland (Firmament)
Jorrah (Jorrah)
Melcher Rooke (Melcher)
Lady Saoirse Ashwild (Booksmart)

Duelling (0/16 spots available)
William Tubb (Tubb)
Lorcan (Forcible)
Ryssila (Ryssila)
Marcus of Andorhal (Truthbringer)
Sir Nathaniel of Bridgeport (Bradlêy)
Kaldrick (Kaldrick)
Lord Lucaster Rivien (Morose)
Macia Acres (Macy)
Valia (Valiant)
Dame Zdena Spellhaus (Spellhaus)
Rodney Flint (Scapulous)
Sylus (Rinley)
Sir Lucien of Strahnbrad (Northerner)
Wyatt Selterghast (Selterghast)
Dame Audrianne Tower (Beredos)
Dame Beans (Beans)

Melee: (0/35 spots available)
William Tubb (Tubb)
Lorcan (Forcible)
Ryssila (Ryssila)
Dame Audrianne Tower (Beredos)
Ishmael Tomasi (Tomasi)
Marcus of Andorhal (Truthbringer)
Sir Nathaniel of Bridgeport (Bradlêy)
Kaldrick (Kaldrick)
Lord Lucaster Rivien (Morose)
Macia Acres (Macy)
Xav (Xav)
Dame Valia (Valiant)
Lord Vincent Florent (Floren)
Dame Mathilda of Stormwind (Duvalíér)
Sir Lucien of Strahnbrad (Northerner)
Sir Stuart (Stuart)
Wyatt Selterghast (Selterghast)
Dame Beans (Beans)
Calaran Vandel of Silverholde (Calaran)
Sir Victor Valenwood (Valenwood)
Connor (Luet)
Arthur Carleton (Lòrath)
Benjamin Grindle (Icedbounty)
Ailsa Jackson (Souhaite)
Altarin (Altarin)
Sir Ruagaire (Ruagaire)
John Aelitharr (Aelitharr)
Aenarion Phoenixblade (Phoenixblade)
Kaim Berris (Evaluate)
Darius Volt (Reikarn)
Klaus Crown (Klaus)
Madalaena (Madalaena)
Aeyla (Aeyla)
Lorthentus Theodore (Lorthentus)
Sir Willford Tarlor (Willford)

Racing: (1/25 spots available)
Dame Juniper Stites the Resolute (Juniperr)
Lady Faelenn Silverhawk (Faelenn)
Isuna Jones (Isuna)
Dame Beans (Beans)
Calaran Vandel of Silverholde (Calaran)
Lady Bellamina Rivien (Bellamina)
Darcia (Bewegung)
Lady Roselyn Faust (Roselyn)
Throndhindel (Throndhindel)
Justinia V. Stannard (Venable)
Kaithraza (Kaithraza)
Evangeline (Sanctifern)
Sana Darvish (Sandprincess)
Lady Saoirse Ashwild (Booksmart)
Sir Edric Harrenberg (Bohémond)
Lady Serena Chay (Chay)
Lord Lucaster Rivien (Morose)
Lord Rhaldor Taylor (Rhaldor)
Sylus (Sylus)
Drakalith d’Chevalerie (Drakalith)
Landric Viscarde (Landric)
Barazar (Initiative)
Aurius of Northshire (Judicatum)
Lord Arnaud Treiller (Treiller)

Wizardry: (0/8 spots available)
Marlow the Magnificent (Andrel)
Isuna Jones (Isuna)
Obilot (Obilot)
Wilvarr Gallatar (Wilvarr)
Kaim Berris (Evaluate)
Syelia Laedris (Syelia)
Nannia Greta Heising (Nanniah)
Throndhindel (Throndhindel)

Jousting: (0/16 spots available)
Dame Juniper Stites the Resolute (Juniperr)
Dame Audrianne Tower (Beredos)
Sir Marcus of Andorhal (Truthbringer)
Sir Nathaniel of Bridgeport (Bradlêy)
Sir Eisteynn Barnekow (Eisteynn)
Lord Lucaster Rivien (Morose)
Sir Stuart (Stuart)
Dame Beans (Beans)
Dame Valia Hightower (Valiant)
Dame Mathilda of Stormwind (Duvalíér)
Sir Lucien of Strahnbrad (Northerner)
Lord Arnaud Treiller (Treiller)
Lord Wyatt Selterghast (Selterghast)
Sir Arteimy Niebhur (Ârtemiy)
Sir Victor Valenwood (Valenwood)
Sir Gavin the Gallant (Gallant)


Name: Lorcan
Guild: The Bannerless
Contest: Duels, Melee


Name: Kaldrick Donnell
Guild: None
Contest: Duels, Melee

Fees sent to Ilthanir.


Name: William Tubb
Guild: None, representing the Silver Hand
Contest: Duels, Melee

Fees sent to Bellamina.


Name: Connor
Guild: The Bannerless
Contest: Duels, Melee

Fee sent to Ilthanir.


Name: Ryssila

Guild: The Errant

Contest: Duels, Melee

Fees sent to Bellamina


Name: Melcher Rooke
Guild: None
Contest: Archery

Fee sent to Ilthanir.


Name: Isuna Jones
Guild: The Errant
Representing: the Old Ways
Contest: Wizardry, Archery, Racing


Name: Dame Zdena Spellhaus
Guild: The Errant
Contest: Joust, Duels


Name: Sir Willford Tarlor
Guild: The Bannerless
Contest: Melee, Jousting

Gold sent to Ilthanir.


Name: Ronaei
Guild: The Bannerless
Contest: Duels

Fee sent to Ilthanir


Name: Dame Audrianne Tower
Contest: Melee, Duels, Jousting

Payment sent to Ilthanir.


Name: Macia Acres (Macy)
Guild: The Bannerless
Contest: Duels, Melee

Name: Florent (Lord Vincent Florent)
Guild: The Bannerless
Contest: Duels, Melee

(Signed up for Vincent because he’s at work, hope that’s ok)


Name: Valia (ooc Valiant)
Guild: Silver Hand
Contest: Duels/Joust/Melee

Fees sent to Bellamina!


Name: Marcus of Andorhal(Truthbringer)
Guild: The Sevenfold Banner
Contests: Duels/Jousts/Melee

Fee is sent via ingame mail to Ilthanir.

Looking forward to this!


Name: Sylus
Guild (optional): None
Contest: Duels


Name: Marlow the Magnificent
Guild: None
Contest: Wizardry


Name: Myrtella Prescott
Guild (optional): Duskhaven
Contest: Archery

(Fee sent to Bellamina!)


Name: Aida Williamson
Guild: The Chapter of Light
Contest: Duels