[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

Remember guys, all you have to do is apologize for yelling about a group forcing themselves upon someone in a 12+ game and all is forgiven.


“That said, the thread is encouraging discussion about the event not the issues that occurred during it”

Dude what so people can talk about good things only? This is not how it works


I think this is an excellent place to discuss this, this thread is like a case study. If Marik had been caught out ERPing last night, his name would currently be getting dragged through the mud, he’d be being ridiculed en masse and perhaps having his place on the server as that recognisable character made shaky, he’d be damned and crucified for it.

Yet he does this disgusting thing, practically breaking all the same rules and guide lines anyone would be breaking if they where caught out publicly erping, and the overall response to his actions is an overwhelming ‘meh’ a ‘tsk tsk best not do that again’ and a terrible apology. It’s just such a blistering, incredible example of hypocrisy, and everyone that just shrugs him off as though he’s done nothing wrong is adding to that.


ALL of them!? The humanity…

I, on the other hand, will be boycotting this event on my level 60 mage alt.


I agree, to be fair. Use this post as to however you see fit. The bumps are fine with me. I don’t think I have any other words about what happened yesterday.

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2 to 3 lines of somewhat vague (read: suggestive) text =/= actively and regularly seeking out and engaging in ERP.


It’s okay, we get it, you ERP :joy:

Edit: :rofl:


BUt WhAT aBOuT GaRonA???


Calling for people to ‘remain civil’ in their already lukewarm criticism of a disgraceful bit of behaviour is frankly insulting. Apologising for something halfheartedly does not mean that everyone involved has to stop talking about it and move on because your mate is getting some well-deserved flak.


I believe the main difference here is that noone is massively leaping to his defense. Everyone agrees what he did was wrong and he apologized.

Usually when you have ERP as the topic, certain posters leap out of their dark caves to protect their concept of bumping of the virtual uglies.


idk man squier was doing a good job trying to brush it off

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I will say that squier unironically did not comprehend the text


Fair enough! Not exactly surprised and definitely would explain it all, thanks.

Don’t crack down too hard on the man I’m trying to teach him thank you Lotheridan very cool


After having spotted a woman associate with some band of ill repute guarding the stables in the guise of soldier, and of possible probes of how to react to this or that situation by her, the greencoats took wise provision to relocate their horses elsewhere, and will proceed to bring their weapons in an external camp.
With high suspect that the woman is gathering information, checking the rotations of the guards, seeing which of the footmen has this or that weakpoint , Shonn suspects something is boiling in the pot and that something unpleasant may happen to the weapons. Thus the relocating of horses and weapons. Other viable alternative is in fact the fire at the stables as diversion, while someone else steals the coin, prize for the winners.


If all of you do not mind, Im going to continue with hosting the Games, and post the Games for tonight!

Operation: Redridge
Suggested Numbers for a squad: (5 - 9)
Required numbers to form a Fireteam (2-4)
Available on Tuesday and Thursday from 19:00 and on. (Thursday will likely go on way past midnight)

Mission Description
A squad turned rogue after half their unit was brutally murdered in the war for Loraderon. Multiple calls of distress were made on the radio, but none were heard, or answered.

After failing to receive back up, this particular squad escaped the warfront and began to plot their revenge. The Games of Redridge, being their target.

Our Intelligence shows their Combat Outpost to be in Stonewatch, a garrison that was once the pride of the Alliance. Find out what you can and capture Sergeant Ericson

Rules of Engagement

  1. The Squad will only use Lethal force when absolutely necessary.
  2. All Aggresive Hostiles are to be overpowered, disarmed and captured for possible questioning
  • Aggressive Hostiles (Noun) ‘’ 1 An enemy which directly threatens the operation by active wielding of weaponry or other tools of destruction.
  1. All other personnel in Stonewatch are to be considered non hostile, and thus halted, disarmed and evacuated from the vicinity.

Final Notes
Work fast, our scouts have picked up an IED Threat.

This event will be judged in a different way than the other events, mostly that a winner of Operation Redridge is only announced after the last event of Operation Redridge, we will however keep a leaderboard active. Tonight teams will be clearing Stonewatch Keep, which is riddled with some NPC targets. (Both Hostile and non Hostile) Will you make the right decision?

This is a limited space event, I believe four to five teams is maximal, be sure that if you sign up for this you’ll be also signing up for Thursday.

Sword and Buckler
Two individuals band together, but find themselves at a pickle! They have to fight with only one set of arms available! A decision is made that one of the two will carry the blade, while the other will be carrying the shield!

Knock Out Tournament, including a hit point system and rolls!

Note for Tuesday - Remember the security rules, in case of an attack allow the security to do their job. Extra forces will be requested on behalf of the Staff.


What happened to the unconscious Blood Elf in the end? That part of the story hasn’t been covered.


Certainly managed to rile people up as you wanted, didn’cha?




Uh oh in ten characters.