[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

In regards of this years planning
Hello everyone,
I believe that Matheson hits the nail on the head with his post, so allow me to elaborate a little on that.

  • Planning
    Whilst putting up the Games months in advance, trying to create a better edition than last year. Going with the idea of a whole week of activities. Based on the feedback from last year, I’ve found that a whole week of campaign activity planning requires me to share burdens with the team and brief them better, so that we can execute and deliver better. (I couldn’t leave my team to take care of the Sword and Buckler, while I should have been DM’ing the Horde attack.) while it was announced in discord inside the GM chat. It was obviously not clear enough otherwise there wouldn’t have been so much chaos OOC, I should have used the Forums to bring this message about more clearly.
  • Knowledge System
    There have been alot of sign ups for this years individual games, the moment I mentioned. “Knowledge System” I got ten or twenty replies. “What’s that?” Which at that point, I failed to properly explain due to the time pressure and schedule we run. I had expected more views on that tab on the forums, I should have announced it over on Discord as well, and took the time preparing the OOC explaination better. Including Knowledge systems.
  • Modern Military based Games
    The Games of Redridge have a theme each year, the first year was a very knightly tournament; the second year was a very anti neutral anti horde Tournament. And I wanted this year to be focused more on the military aspect of the Alliance, farmers being conscripted and able to get some experience at the Games. But I completely hit the wrong aspects with Archery and the Hostage Situation, which while fun for some of you; left many spectators in the dark and some contestants wishing to be briefed more clearly.
  • The Horde Attack
    A surprise attack on the Tournament, the Alliance and the Horde are at war, and we wanted to make this known during the Games of Redridge, this was an aspect that was not very well thought out, we wanted to let it evolve mostly in character. But due to the lack of OOC Communication many thought it was a gank, griefers. Which was met by self appointed Anti Grief. - To share my initial idea of the engagement. Grim Gest comes in, Set’s fire in the Town Hall. Departs for the woods and awaits for a patrol coming their way for some Restricted RPPVP. I failed to properly communicate this to Morseth and Matheson; which resulted in the clusterf*ck as it were. I don’t blame Morseth, or Matheson for the reactions. Only myself.
  • Team Effort
    I believe, that if I briefed my Team better with what I expected from them, they could execute most things on their own. Most of the staff are my former officers from previous guilds. This is a problem we’ve run into more than once. but never on a scale like this.
  • The Remaining of the Games
    On thursday we had planned, the Operation Redridge. An event for guilds to participate in. But due to low interest this event has been replaced with a culture night, which I will be using to personally recharge, and plan the remaining activities toroughly. We’ve got the Dueling left, both unrestricted* and emote based. And the Jousting. Closing off the Games with a ball. On Sunday we’ll be doing a price ceremony, which might be moved over to the Ball timing depending on our staff discussions today and tomorrow.

I hope, that despite the drama that happened the first two days. That the remaining of the Event will be more enjoyable. There is also a reminder about our spectators plot regarding the spiked food, I’ll post the dialog again since it likely got lost somewhere above the outrage. I invite all people who have left the event out of disgust from my actions back and hope that together we can get the Alliance together for some roleplay. Which, to my knowledge is harder and harder these days.

Spectators Plot

"Few days before the famed Games of Redridge, the Head Chef of Lakeshire has been missing without a word. Whilst notice about his disappearance has been placed, no one made a fuss out of it as the man returned few days later alas he was different. The vocal chef was in fact a mute, his tongue missing and his attitude shifted into solo work. No one questioned it, the drama from the harrowing experience must’ve taken its toll on the poor man.

Unknown to most, the Chef went through quite the ordeal with the bandits, or deserters in fact, camping in the area. As their way of repaying the Alliance of leaving them to die in the fields of battle, through mind bending they brain washed the chef into spiking the food for the games with two herbs: Bloodthistle and Flushbloom."

Those tasting the food may come under influence of either of the two plants, whilst they are rather toxic we will have medics available for the RP! Of course, any elf shouldn’t disregard the threat as both of these, whilst toxic to everyone else, are highly addictive to you.

Later, more about this from your Herald Arvo Deluves.

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Dressed as Frolo Swaggins
Role played within role play
Saw the Grimguest
Got drunk while people died
12/10 A great break between events


lmao look at this gnome named beans hahaha lol :peanuts:


The costume party has honestly been such a welcome break. Haven’t laughed so much in a good while, you guys were amazing.


Been a blast thus far, even got to enjoy a bit of participation with the drinking contest.

10/10 would drink until passing out again!


Hello everyone! We had a well deserved day off today, filled with a costume party, some brawling and Hearthstone! Below are some screenshots from the top 3! Can you guess what they are?



On my first visit today, i even got to pickpocket two people 10/10 would pickpocket in the crowd again


A big well done to all that took part in the jousting and duels tonight, it was a pleasure to watch. Also thank you to the spectators who kept us amused with their antics.

The announcers have done well throughout, here’s to the next one!


Hello! For tonight we’ll be taking Dueling sign ups OOC in the discord until a staff member is present for taking sign ups. Were all hard working lads!

Dueling will be around 8, its your standard duel, arena rules apply. Meaning no potions, flasks or engineering items allowed. Abilities with a cooldown longer than 5 minutes are disabled for the duels. Only DPS classes.

Tonight we will also have the prize ceremony, accompanied with a ball or fancy social gathering. I expect dresses and or suits. Lose your armor for this event. I will be creating a custom chat channel for DMing the ball. Later more about this.

So Champions I expect you to be there and lets comes the Games of Redridge with a final bang!


Was fun.

Would attend 10/10 again.


Loved the event would RP invade you guys again.
10/10 love from Warchief Sylvanas


I had a great time with you guys.
Who ever hired us to “join” the event, Appreciate it <3


Imagine spending your friday night griefing RPers and then have 1 demon hunter turn on PvP and destroy you.

l m a o


I wasn’t there but hope everyone who were reported them


I’d like to thank everyone who hosted and attended this tourney! I was looking forward to it since last year’s games and I was not let down!

There were a few hiccups, but I trust that these will be fixed in the next year’s edition! See you all there!


The Games of Redridge are concluded. The last few days were honestly a relief in my opinion. Some very relaxed Games, plenty of feedback and ended this night of roleplay in a lovely manner!

Thank you for attending!


During the last day of the Games, at noon near the Eastvale Stables:

“And after many hits and Kul Tiran parried two strikes of both men, which the gnome used to jump from his shoulder and swing with her hammer at them both! The two yielded as they couldn’t go any further and the crowd cheered on: ‘Beans and Toast! Beans and Toast’!” Mauro’s nephew and niece cheered just like the people in crowd did a few days ago. They picked up their sticks and started acting like they were the duo of Beans and Toast as they struck their ‘weapons’ against a haystack dummy.

“Is that really what happened?” His sister asked him while she brushed the manes of her horse.
“No,” Mauro admitted, “they did win however. I was too busy with closing a wound during the final bout. But I did met the winners of the Sword and Buckler at the infirmary, according to John Ralin his partner Beans passed out because of excitement when they won.”
The brother and sister Dawncastle spoke of the many Games that were held, as they took care of the horses.
“So even amidst the pain in his right shoulder, he still tried to fight in the final bout? I’m surprised they didn’t stop it.”
Mauro shrugged, “We were all amazed by his willpower and compassion, if he didn’t have the heart of a lion I don’t think I could’ve helped him with his wounds.”

At that moment the children of his sister Jeanna started running to the courtyard, “Daddy! Daddy!” they said as their father came back from his duties. The three of them walked into the stables and Randall greeted his wife and Mauro. “Randall, I didn’t know Sir Highforge would bring you back so soon from the front?” Jeanne asked.
“The dwarven Captain may be stubborn, but thankfully the Sergeant could change his mind with the Noblegarden around. Truth be told I bet he also gave him some eggs.” Randall smirked, then shook hands with Mauro. “How are you Mauro? Been busy with plucking wooden splinters out of contestants? Or just out of the horses’ manes?” They both let out a chuckle, but Randall did let out a short sigh before reaching into his pocket.

“Unfortunately, he does think you’ve had your share of 'festivities. He wants you back tomorrow at dawn.” Randall hands Mauro a letter, which he rips the seal off and reads through.
“Everything must come to an end, I suppose. Maybe it’s better if I head back today and see how much paperwork he has ready for me tomorrow.” Mauro mumbeled.
“Oh come on Mauro,” his sister said in an annoyed tone, “You got one more day of the Games to enjoy! Watch the duels, attend the ceremoney, drink the tavern dry and dance around the Ball!” Randall agreed with her, “That grey paladin of a dwarf can bother you with your duty tomorrow, go have some fun tonight will ya?”

And fun we had, didn’t we Redridge?!
A big kudos and big thank you’s to both the organizers and the roleplayers for a lovely week of roleplaying. I had so much fun with each and everyone I met during the Games IC (and OOC shenanigans on Discord of course), it was a delight day in day out. I would love to see you good folk again in the future, until we meet again! o/


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