[A-RP] The Games of Redridge - Concluded

I honestly can’t comment on the restricted RP PvP, since i was fighting the duo duels at the moment, but from what was talked about on Discord, it was neither a surprise they came, since it was arranged, nor everyone on the Alliance side was supposed to fight them. There was a dedicated group of people that was to fight them. And GM-s of guilds knew this, since it was discussed on the Discord, in the GM channel, if i’m not mistaken.

When the combat started, i told my guys NOT to react and explained the reasoning OOC; while IC i shouted to stay put since they were unarmed. Why other GM-s didnt do the same, since they WERE aware of what was going on is beyond me. And suddenly, a LOT of people were charging off the bridge to PvP with the Horde.

Just my 2 cents.

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Some among the Alliance did this, which is why they were hit with unrestricted in turn.

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I can confidently say that that is not what happened, since I belong to the guild that was supposed to fight you restricted - the burst, kicks and stuns happened from the beginning.

Though for future reference, for those who are unfamiliar with restricted RP-PVP - if you see someone break the rules, contact someone who has a connection to the other side, who can inform them and tell them to knock it off. Retaliation, for obvious reasons, does not work and only makes things worse.

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I’m not going to point fingers here, but you should realise we were attendees to this event just as much as Alliance were. I’m also not saying Footman did anything, because you all are blameless.

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There we go. No one was trying to make it hard for anyone on either side. it was just miscommunication.


Those of us in the know were very much under the impression that the fighting would take place far enough away from the town to stop what happened from happening.

From what I can gather, so were the Horde attendees, but there was a decision to change the game plan along the way which wasn’t very well communicated nor agreed upon (I realise that agreement isn’t strictly required for rppvp, since being flagged and roleplaying suffices, but in this scenario - I do think there should have been an extra step) - which resulted in more Alliance players getting involved than anticipated, because… why wouldn’t they, they can see the Horde plainly, and also the Horde attendees ‘having to’ (use the term loosely) burst regularly to keep the numbers even.

Tl;dr this was all accounted for and prepared for, but along the lines there was the choice to not do it at all.


The fault in the PvP was in the communication and planning - there simply wasn’t any. The hastily tossed together Discord I was part of prior to the PvP breaking out was barely used, and all of the parties involved seemed to have a totally different idea of what was going on.

All I know is that about a half dozen members of Footman were waiting in Lakeshire with green vanilla weapons and instructions to auto attack only, ready to patrol out into the Redridge Canyons to keep the fighting away from the main event (to avoid the Horde getting swamped). Grim Gest attacked Lakeshire directly with unrestricted PvP under the impression this was what was intended all along with about 15 people. Needless to say, with only two classes in our guild (the prime reason we avoid unrestricted PvP), a single healer in the wrong spec and no weapons above ilvl 100, we were absolutely massacred several times over before we even realised what was happening.

It was nobody’s fault and everybody’s fault at the same time. I don’t blame Morsteth or Grim Gest at all for what happened, they were simply carrying out the planned event in the way they’d been told as far as I’m aware. It left an extremely sour taste in our mouths as players (nobody likes dying over and over again) and within about fifteen minutes we were all sitting on our mounts waiting for the PvP timer to tick down. It was probably the worst-planned PvP encounter I’ve experienced in the last few years, and I think the sense I’m strongly getting is that a lot of this year’s Games content has just been hastily shoehorned into a schedule 12 hours before it’s due to take place.

We have all enjoyed playing our characters. The respectful interaction we’ve received from the attendees has restored a lot of our faith in the place of a military guild in the wider server community, and some of the friends we’ve made (and jolly new lads we’ve picked up) have made this a really enjoyable experience. As players, however, we’ve found this year’s event to be soaked in drama, filled with mind-bogglingly inappropriate content, extremely poorly planned, and poorly administrated. In future, it is my strong opinion that a group of people should be organising these games in order to discuss (and veto if need be) the events, schedule, administration and general leadership.


As someone who was half paying attention at the time, I must confess that upon seeing the Grim Gest attacking Lakeshire, I thought it to be a griefing party for the event, so thus I just attacked normally. Around 30 seconds later there was suddenly the yell that “The Horde are attacking.” To which I suddenly realised my stupid misinterpretation. So I must apologise for that. I think next time it should be made very clear from an IC point of view, in discord or else where, stating clearly that sightings of the Horde inbound. And even potentially some rogues/scouts initiating roleplay to start such. My personal opinion for the RP PVP, it was extra and inevitabley unnecessary due to the abundance of roleplay already occurring and the clear lack of communication. Other than that, the games seem to be having a blast!


I think ultimately maybe, if the RPPvP was indeed planned from the start, it should have been stated upfront. I was genuinely confused for a moment because I didn’t recall reading anything about RPPvP in the OP so people going “It’s planned” had me bamboozled for a bit.

And afaik there was no upfront announcement saying to everyone at the event “There’s gonna be an RPPvP side show at X time on Y day with Z rules” (Unless I’m blind, do correct me if such an announcement was made in a clearly visible public channel ahead of time but I was confused and MANY others were so I am doubtful).

It seems to have been limited to Discords and guild chats which is inevitably going to leave some people out in the dark across the board, so it’s no surprise that there were crossed wires and conflicting messages.

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Woudn’t have been a surprise attack if everyone knew would it then lad would it


In a wave and flood of people not enjoying the RP-PVP, as some who took part in it, have to say. It’s always a good time RP-PVPing with the Grim Gest and was a really fun side thing to have partook in. Can’t fault it as RP isn’t as fluid as put down on paper. Regardless of execution.


I demand a cheese eating competition.


Better to try something exciting and fail than to just do the same comfortable and save thing over and over again.


True, the essence of surprise is needed. And I was surprised by it, to the extent that I had no clue how to react. Though the key issue for me was the lack of information.

It should be noted that the initial Grim Gest charge was also done under the restricted rule set but we are simply insanely powerful (IC / OOC)


Nothing is stronger than a cheese wall.

But RP, and RPPvP, are fundamentally co-operative events. If you don’t inform people OOC what’s going on you’re going to end up with all of the above issues. A “surprise attack” can still be a surprise IC while making sure OOC everyone is on the same page, that’s just common sense and keeping things organised. I understand there is the concern of metagaming but that should be dealt with per individual/guild, rather than keeping everyone clueless and inevitably cause friction on an OOC level.

By all means, an evening dedicated to fending off a sudden Horde attack? That sounds interesting and definately could shake up the event over past years, go for it. The only nitpick people have is there was seemingly little communication about the matter beforehand, I don’t think many are complaining about the actual presence of RPPvP itself.

As I wasn’t involved in leading any groups here nor was I involved in organising I’ll leave it there. Just my 2c as a spectator who was there on an alt.

I second this notion.


Honestly don’t care mate honestly don’t, was probably some of the best RP PvP I have ever done

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Fair enough. I’m just discussing the points being raised. :slight_smile: