[A-RP] The Grand Gilneas Games

Looking forward to watching the games and meeting people in Gilneas! :person_fencing: Also excited to host the dancing at the masquerade ball on Sunday! :performing_arts: :dancer:


I know its a bit late but I hope I can get a spot. Otherwise it will still be fun to watch :slight_smile:
Name: Xangfang
In-game name: Yama-Tsume
Guild: The Red Gryphon
Game interest: Duels,


The First Day of the Tourney - opened with the following speech:

"Good evening, one and all. It is good to see so many of you here today, to celebrate not only the first Grand Gilneas Games, but to rally and show your support, for a lost Kingdom now reclaimed.

Before we begin, I would like to give homage to our funder, the Wicheter family for their grand gestures of support for this and for this land. May their family prosper and grow, just as this wonderful Kingdom shall once more.

There are also words to be given to an anonymous donation of coin, which shall be given to out winners of the games with their message; “Both the sun and the moon shine on this tournament.”

It is my hope that not only can great rivalry been found here, fair and just, but great friendships been born between Kingdoms and people alike!"


Over the past three days, three games have been held;
We sit with three winners of the First Grand Gilneas Games!

The Duelling winner; Cara Nimue!
Prize of Felthorn, the Dwarven Forged Blade!

The Jousting winner; Lord Flynn Braxian!
Prize of the Gilnean Lance, decorated in red, gold and blue.

The Shooting winner; Silas Netharn!
Prize of the delicately and precisely crafted Gilnean Rifle.


Sign me up!!

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The clatter of heels, the woosh of frills. The upcoming masquerade manifests itself in many of the city’s boutiques; the last purchases and fittings to seal one’s look for the event. Embellished masks and fine disguises to be worn by the bubbly socialites and picturesque wallflowers.

On the evening’s promised menu; disarming drinks, ravishing songs and enticing dances. It’s said that the footwork shall be guided to ease everyone into the rhythms. Gossip spreading from a busy barbershop mentions ‘Three Kingdoms’ as the name of the group dance, and ‘Rose and Flame’ for the partner dance.

Will you join the celebration?

See you at the Masquerade Ball tonight!

Regarding the dancing happening after the Lyrical Challenge, it’ll be hosted by a Gilnean NPC, and similar to the Kaldorei Dance Nights and Lakeshire Dance Night events I’ve held, the dances will be instructed move by move. Welcome to Dance Dance Gilneas special edition!

There’ll be two all-new choreographies:

:european_castle: :notes: Three Kingdoms - group dance, no need for a dance partner

:rose: :fire: Rose and Flame - a partner dance, the name inspired by the icon of Gilneas. We’ll try match people up if they’re a missing a dance partner! The dance partner roles won’t be gendered.

The /emotes used in the choreographies will be written in CAPS , for example: “One step forward! CLAP!"

There’ll be background music played for the dances, to help the immersion of characters dancing: https://w2g.tv/en/room/?r=6vqqj619g6d4exdc82

See you there, looking forward to seeing everyone’s cool transmogs!


This was a fabulous week filled with wonderful events.

Thank you so much for putting your time and effort into this.
The Masquerade Ball was a smashing event.

Looking forward to this next year already :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Big thanks to the host Calliopes and those who helped her organize, aswell as those who attended and brought a positive attitude to make it a succes!


It was a delightful time of fun and games, so indeed, thank you for hosting. Still unsure about the feeling of being bested by a ‘Gun Wizard’.


What a great week! Only wish I could’ve been there for more of the games, only made it proper to the first two nights and then the masquerade! Regardless, many people were met, and it was particularly fun to meet some folk I’ve known OOC but the characters hadn’t properly met in-character before.

Big kudos to Calliope for organizing the event series, everyone who helped, and all who were good sport about things!

On my own behalf, had lots of fun coming up with the dances for the masquerade ball! Thank you for letting me be part of such a cool event, and shout-out to Ryldor who helped me test the choreographies ahead of time, and NPCed my character’s dance partner.

Three Kingdoms danced in 3 rows

Rose and Flame, partner dance. (Danced to orchestral Merry Go Round of Life from How’ls Moving Castle, it was a must! :smile: )

More screenshots I took at the events:

See you all around!


The last three days, three games have been held;
We have the last winners of the First Grand Gilneas Games!

The Druid Challenge winner; Luein!
Prize of the Staff of Golden Roots.

The Magical Duels winner; Isuna Jones
Prize of the Ring of Endless Starlight.

The Lyrical Challenge winner; Xav!
Prize of the grand Rosebud Lyre.

The Games itself was closed off with the Masquerade Ball. Dancing, food and drinks were held. But the closing speech was given:

“Tonight, serves to be the mark of something grand. And it is not the games, and nor is it the coin, or the prizes. But it is everyone here. Each and ever person who stands for something remarkable. Whether that is home, friends or family.”

“This land was lost, once. Removed from our hands, but never our hearts. Today, we can say we are here in safety. In love and in wonder of what people brought together are able to achieve, we can make a home and we can bring one back as well.”

“Let us raise our glasses now, to those we have lost and yet remain with us every day. For Gilneas!”

We look forward to seeing you next year!


Been loving the tournies this year! Massive thanks to the hosts, it’s great to see the realm still surging with so much dedication. (Stromgarde Series next? :fist:)



Thanks for the tournament, Calliope!


:clap: :clap: :clap: Always love how these bring people together, thank you for hosting!!


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