(The old thread died off, but our guild did not! The Hand is recruiting once more!)
For millenia, the Army of the Light travelled the Twisting Nether to and fought against the threat of the Legion, wherever they roamed. Prophet Velen foretold the arrival of the Grand Army of the Light, and within his vision, he set eyes on an Army that did not only consist of Draenei, but of noble races such as humans, dwarves, elves, and even redeemed creatures such as Lothraxion; all of them soldiers who would lead the ancient crusade of the Light across the cosmos, defending each world against the Legion and the vile clutches of the Void and Old Gods, to ultimately safeguard their newfound home, the brightest star in the Great Dark Beyond: Azeroth.
Driven by Velen’s powerful vision, that a great war between the Darkness and the Light is fast approaching and that Azeroth will be its principal battleground, we must stand bravely against the Shadow to ensure that our people are ready for the war to come.
Inspired by the Alliance’s noble cause against the Burning Legion in days of young and old, the Hand of Xe’ra aids both the High Exarch Turalyon and King Anduin Wrynn against the treacherous Horde of the Banshee Queen.
The Light is just. The Light is righteous. The Light never abandons its champions, not even across the darkest reaches of the Twisting Nether.
Know this, brothers and sisters, for in darkest night, we still shine with hope. We are the Hand of Xe’ra! We are the Light’s Mother’s wrath and we will preserve her crusade and the mission of the Naaru for eternity! As Light wills it! For Azeroth!
The “Hand of Xe’ra” is a draenei-led military organisation (guild) that seeks to unite all Alliance paladins/priests/light-wielders under the banner of the Army of the Light. The Hand exists as squadron of Alliance/Army of the Light members, deployed all across Azeroth to oversee Alliance operations, as well as thwart Horde efforts against our allies in the ongoing Blood War.
Not only that, the Hand of Xe’ra has pledged to protect the world soul Azeroth from all evil that would dare threaten its life force. Be it old enemies, such as Legion remnants, lurking in the darkest corners of the Twisting Nether, or the rising threat of the Void and Old God minions.
The Hand works close with other Alliance elite units, such as the 7th Legion or the Silver Hand. Others may refer to us as “The Purified”, as our guild closely ties in to that concept.
The Hand welcomes any champion of the Light into their ranks after they have passed the initiation trial. We are NOT Lightforged only! In the Light, we are one!
Our mission on Azeroth (and beyond):
Dedicated to preserve Life and uphold the principles of the Holy Light, we seek to gather a new coaliation of warriors to battle the Horde and thus safeguard the world soul Azeroth from further harm.
We are heavily opposed to the current Horde of Sylvanas and we expect your character to share that belief. Regarding the recent events, our greatest enemies especially are the Forsaken and the corruption they spread.
To save the land from further corruption, our Purifiers tend to the Azerite wounds of this planet and capture them in the name of the Alliance and for further research. Beings or land that falls into corruption are “purified” through the work of our most-talented Anchorites and Mages.
Wait, purification … hold on, how are Void Elves treated?!
We tolerate Void Elves. They are part of the Alliance and they are also a reliable asset in this war. Although we doubt them in their nature, we do not wish them harm and we will not openly attack them without any reason, simply because they practise shadow magic. Seeing as Alleria served the Army of the Light for thousands of years, despite her recent imprisonment, we Lightforged would never simply attack or “purify” any of her people.
What makes the guild unique?
Although we are a military-oriented RP guild, our RP differs greatly from average human-styled military. Keep in mind, we are the elite of both Draenei and Alliance society. Small events such as training sessions are entirely different than your regular “formation training”, which is typical in most human military guilds.
Our style of DM'ed events:
Every phrase and action can affect or change the course and the outcome of the event to the DM’s discretion. Your character’s actions will have consequences and shape the storyline of our guild’s events. Multiple endings instead of a linear storyline are important to us and our character developments. Decision making as an unity but also individual choices will take place and we expect a keen interest in this style and also a profound knowledge of your character’s lore and concept.
We host regular DM’ed events that differ from your average attack/defense waves. Instead, our events focus more on negotiation, scouting, finding clues, unveiling mysteries, etc. to reach a goal and solve its problem. Of course, due to the nature of our squadron, we also fight off enemy forces with the use of active NPC players and valuable interactions.
Our motto:
To host events that offer as much player freedom and dynamic as possible.
We venture out into the world of Azeroth: we defend a certain town from witches in Kul Tiras, besiege a certain military point of interest or discover ancient artifacts that may pose a threat to everyone! Or we defend the borders of our new homeland: the Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles against incursions.
The guild also has an ongoing main narrative.
Despite the recent efforts in the Blood War, we have not forlorn our ancient duty and traditions. We still offer events revolving around slaying demons and undead remnants, our initiates and anyone who aspires to become Lightforged in our squadron, will have to face off such an evil during one of their trials.
(Note: Only Draenei may become Lightforged as of now. In that regard, we want to be as lore-friendly as possible.)
What races/classes are welcome?
Any race is welcome. Although we are a dispatched squadron under the banner of the Army of the Light, we are not Lightforged-only! Any worthy champion of the Light in the Alliance is welcome to join the Hand of Xe’ra. However, due to the nature of Monks, Shamans, Druids and most obviously Void Elves, these classes/race are/is unfortunately not welcomed into our fold, simply because their entire concept does not align well with ours. They, however, can seek to ally with our guild.
Tl;dr: You must have faith in the Holy Light / the Naaru (especially Xe’ra!)
Hierarchy (lowest to highest):
• Initiate : New aspiring member, basic recruit ranks. Experienced Lightforged with history in the Army of the Light are also placed here while awaiting their pending transfer application into the unit. After attending a few events, they may undertake their initiation trial (“Trials of the Naaru”) to prove their worth.
After successfully passing the Trials of the Naaru, the initiate will decide which branch to join.
There are three branches to choose from:
• The Infantry Branch. The umbrella term for Warriors, Dragoons and Paladins, a bit more hack’n’slash, heavy armor, frontline.
• The Purified Branch , which is the umbrella term for Mages and Priests, more magical and focused on healing and “Purging”.
• The Scout Branch , which is the umbrella term for Hunters and “Artificer” characters, more focused on scouting, coordinating, tech, sabotage, mech and long range-warfare.
• The Prime rank is given to members of the guild that have been around a long while and been active throughout their stay. They are veterans of the guild IC and OOC, and newer members may go to them for guidance and advice, both IC and OOC.
• The Council rank is the officer rank of the guild. The goal is to have at least three officers that act as head to their branch, each paying a bit more attention to their own branch IC, while, of course, still be an officer to everyone OOC.
I am new to Draenei RP and would like to join, what do I have to keep in mind?
The Draenei are beings of ancient heritage and wisdom, with a lot of history resting on their backs. Most of us Lightforged still remember Argus, the homeworld that befell an evil fate over 25.000 years ago! Keep this immense timespan and lore in mind. Ask yourself what your character may have been through in all the years the Draenei have voyaged through the Twisting Nether.
The Draenei are deeply connected to the Holy Light and have been under the tutorship of the Naaru for a long, long time during their long voyage through the cosmos. The Naaru were the ones who gifted the Draenei their wisdom and taught them how to wield the Light. Xe’ra, as the Prime Naaru, is greatly revered amongst the Draenei and even other Paladins, such as the legendary Turalyon.
As one of the Light’s Chosen, emotions such as doubt, pure anger, bloodthirst should never cloud your Paladin’s mind. Wielding the Light like the Draenei and Lightforged requires a lot of determination and self-sacrifice.
For more lore information, I’d suggest looking up a Draenei RP guide or
I am interested but/or would like to ask more specific questions. Who or where can I contact you?
Join our Lightforged community discord server for more information.
You can also send an ingame mail to Kharaas, Telrog, Sialsari and Dranharu or /w one of us whenever we are online!
I am a very passionate paladin/draenei roleplayer and I've been waiting for a project like this for a long time! I'd love to get involved as an officer!
Because we are a slow-growing and yet a small community, we greatly welcome any support and still require more willing people in our officer staff. To contact me, I refer to the Discord server and our tags above, so that we can have a talk!
And with that: Krona ki cristorr!