Passing Down the Torch:
My Child… Throughout the years of my life, I have had many glorious victories and accomplishments. But when you came into my world, I felt a feeling like no other. The overwhelming feeling of happiness I knew you were destined for greatness. Growing up you did not disappoint me; you flew to the stars and the heavens above growing in confidence. Your skill, patience, empathy and compassion are just a few things I admire. But what I adore and am proudest of the most is your leadership. You are by far a greater leader than I could have ever hoped to have been. I am honoured to hand over the rank of Commander of The Iscaria to you. Continuing shining my dear, my love.
: - Alevar Greatwind to his child before his passing.
IC Information:
The Iscaria has come back into the light after many years of dimming and falling dormant but with the threats stronger than ever towards Azeroth and a young fresh commander at its frontline little can stand in our way. Alavara has opened her arms to all willing to fight for their homes and families and we have our keep as a main base Everlight Keep (Theramore OOCly) before we aim to travel all footholds of Azeroth and beyond if called.
Although The Iscaria currently welcomes all paths of folks, we do not accept IC warlocks, void users, or any evil-related folks like those wishing to come in as villains. These may change over time, but for now, please accept our sincere apologies.
Commander (GM)
This is the rank currently held by the young paladin Alavara Everlight after the torch was passed down from her birth father, his mission is now hers and to finish what had been started many years ago. Alavara is the single hand that connects her forces to that of the alliance, it is through her that we undertake both diplomatic and missions upon the field connecting us to our allies numerous and vast.
Advisor (CO-GM)
This rank is held by Inetris Alaveth - a former cultist turned sorcerer and now the leader of the mystic branch. He is also second in command of the guild the sorcerer sees what the light cannot show the Commander advising her on every action.
Captain (Officer)
These are finely picked individuals who are the heads of their branches and the organization’s guiding hands when the Commander and Advisor are away. They are here to ensure things are always running smoothly.
Current Captains:
- Aeowyn Newbrook
Champion (IC Officer)
These folk are the most trusted of their ranking having climbed their way up the ranks through trials and loyalty. These folk act as potential sub-captains to their respective division.
Vanguard (Trusted Soldier)
Battle-hardened Soldiers can progress into Vanguard and are offered a title to wear as a badge of honour for all their deeds.
Mystic (Trusted Acolyte)
The most powerful Acolytes can progress into Mystic and are offered a title to wear as a badge of honour for all their deeds.
Solider (Starter Military Rank)
Recruits who choose to take up arms within the frontline will typically join the soldier ranks however you are not limited to just this one.
Acolyte (Starter Magic Rank)
Recruits who choose to dedicate their time to the magic arts no matter if that is to heal their allies or harm their enemies might find this the go-to.
Recruit (Starting Rank)
Anyone who seeks to join the Iscaria will start as a recruit while you settle into the ranks and find your footing at this point you are not a contracted member, so you are not obligated to come on missions and will not get paid.
OOC (Not in Character)
This rank will be used for people who wish to join the guild on a social basis or are inactive for a long period. This will also be your rank until you have undertaken your IC interview then you will join as a recruit.
Out of Character Information
Character Guide:
The Iscaria is a military guild that handles events in a very DND-style manner with a character sheet and roll increases with your skill this will hopefully make events feel more immersive to your character along with having positive and negative reactions with known and unknown skills.
Our HP system also works similarly, everyone has a base health line and is increased depending on the armour that you wear. Health can be recovered if lost in the event through a healer or healing over time of 1HP a night. On the other hand, the armour will be the first thing to be worn down, Once your armour hits 0 points your health points will be affected, and your armour will need to be repaired in between events to return points.
General Information:
We want to make you all aware of is we are completely LGBTQ+ friendly anyone is welcome with us and due to this we expect our members to be respectful of each member and teasing and mocking will not be tolerated. If you are unsure of anything with a person such as pro-nouns please ask not to assume.
As with any guild, there may be sometimes that punishments for your IC actions, please be aware these are simply IC punishments you will by no means OOC be punished it is important to keep these things separate to avoid drama within the guild!
- No metagaming, no ERP’ing (Anyone found in Goldshire will be instantly removed from the guild), and no power/God emoting.
- You are a representative of the guild all the time that our name sits above your head. Please do not give us a bad name in forums, trade chat and in all interactions.
- Our discord and guild chat is not a place to bring up sensitive IRL topics or politics this is supposed to be a chill family-feeling guild we do not want that spoiled by political debates take them into the DMs if you really must talk about them!
- Above all have fun!
You can join us in many ways! You may approach us in RP! We’re always open to interacting with strangers! Secondly, you can whisper any guild member online and ask to be redirected to an officer, or directly whisper: Alevára / (Alávara), Inetris or simply respond here this post is checked often!