Better late than never after the forum change ate our last one, finally a new forum thread dedicated to the valiant men and women of the Lightsworn Order of Menethil!
Gird yourself for battle, anoint your blades with the sacred oils and bless your panoply for war. Harden your mind to horror and fear and remain steadfast in your devotion to the Three Truths. Within the Light, We Stand As One!
From their impenetrable bastion of Chalice Hold, the Lightsworn Order of Menethil keeps its vigilant gaze over the dreary marshes of the Wetlands. Under the crimson banners of the Golden Chalice, valiant men and women are forged in the crucible of war, their oaths of steadfast devotion as unbreakable as the steel they hold.
Formed over a decade ago preluding the Shattered Sun offensive, the Order has fought beneath the Lion banner of the Grand Alliance in a plethora of warzones across the realms, from the assault on Icecrown Citadel in the Frozen North to repelling the Iron Horde from the Black Morass.
Now in the wake of the demonic incursions of yesteryear, the Knights of the Golden Chalice once more ready themselves to make war upon the unholy beasts of the Horde that threaten home and hearth. The time has come to expunge the blasphemous dead from the the Light’s realm once and for all. It is the will of the Light!
As Holy Tyr in days of yore, I implore you to make a fist and denounce this travesty with all of your fervour and might! My brothers and sisters in faith, raise now your gaze towards the heavens and be instilled with tempestuous wrath! Rejoice in the clamour of retribution close at hand, as the ancient words resound in our midst with the furor of a storm! Esarus thar no’Darador!
To defend the marshlands south of the Span. To vanquish the wicked and the unholy. To uphold the faith of the Holy Light to the best of our ability, and spread its wisdom to the common man. To stand out as a beacon of hope within a realm engulfed by darkness and war.
Main ranks (excerpt):
Clad in polished Menethil steel, the Knights advance on their enemy without trepidation or doubt. A Knight is the bulwark upon which the blades of the wicked will shatter, the sworld of reckoning that cleaves in twain the throngs of the injust.
Wielding the Holy Light to mend the wounds of the injured as well as smite the enemies of the faith, the Clerics lead the Order in prayer. They bless the Order before battle and in peacetime offer guidance and council to troubled souls.
A rare sight within the Order, these sorcerers are able to unleash a righteous fury on any and all who oppose them. Out of battle, they provide council or aid through the means of research, clairvoyance or alchemy.
These lightly armoured skirmishers serve as rangers, messengers and spies. Often the Pathfinders duty is a most dangerous one: to sever the head from the slithering snake before it finds the opportunity to strike.
A newly sworn brother- or sister-in-arms who has received the crest of the Golden Chalice at the ceremony of induction but is yet to prove him- or herself in battle.
No blasphemy of such magnitude may stand to profane the sovereign faith! Scatter, fiends! Cower before the Light’s majesty, or wither beneath its golden gaze!
Our stance on various things:
Naturally we require our members to be religious and adhere to the ideals of the Holy Light. We fight for the Alliance and against the Horde. We abide to any declarations made by the King. As such, out of necessity we have fought besides both demon hunters, death knights and warlocks in the past, though with disgust. Because of the turn of events during Legion and especially those at the paladin class hall, we are now generally hostile towards any death knight openly wearing the colours of the Ebon Blade. Some might view Argent Crusaders with suspicion, some even view them as outright traitors. We are tolerant towards benevolent faiths, but some within our ranks may regard them as pagans. Due to our holy knight theme, we are predominantly human and prefer humans in plate armour at that. We may accept any race within the Alliance within our ranks, but in the case of non-traditional races (in regards to their faith) this is always on a case by case basis.
OOC and recruitment:
We expect you to keep a good standard both in- and out of character and to always represent the Lightsworn Order well wherever you go.Kindness and a good dose of humour and common sense are highly appreciated and I daresay absolutely essential. We like being able to laugh about ourselves as well as others. Out of character, that is! Excellent spelling, grammar and punctuation are of course encouraged but not required, as long as you can express yourself reasonably well in written form.
We expect you to adhere fairly closely to Warcraft lore and atmosphere but with room for interpretation, yet not frown on others still learning or willing to learn. As we can’t realistically provide RP on a silver platter for you, we expect you to show some initiative and be able to find and create your own RP both within and outside the guild. While we have no attendance limits or ‘kick after X days’ policies, we prefer reasonably active players. We don’t wish to become a shiny parking space for unused alts!
Uniforms are essential for both practical as well as aesthetic reasons, so you will need one: especially on the field of battle or otherwise on duty, we wish for our members to be easily recognizable by their panoply. While our overall colour scheme is strict, we are flexible and we’ll always help or advise you with fashion. It’s very rare for two members to wear exactly the same, we won’t restrict your creativity too much! Though most members prefer a low-key look. The only mandatory pieces are our tabard and a white cloak. The reference to the Shattered Sun Offensive in our flavour text is absolutely true OOC, we were formed in early 2008. Starting on the Sha’tar server, we moved to Argent Dawn in early 2012.
We are always open to new members but do not actively recruit in Stormwind or other hotspots. Instead, we prefer players who deliberately choose our guild for our theme and (hopefully) good reputation of awesome roleplay and friendly community. To join our guild, contact any member online who will then bring you in contact with an officer.