[A-RP] The <Lionheart> — Recruitment Opens!

Officer Team: Valis, Guillaume (discord: foxesz)
Argent Archives: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/207730
Currently in: Stormwind City

The Lionheart


The Lionheart is an officially chartered guild within the Alliance. It is a guild consisting of powerful and unique individuals, who have united together to face the darkness that threatens their world. After several years of dormancy, the guild makes its return as new foes threaten to emerge.

The guild must balance a future they want to be a part of with a bloody legacy spanning several years. After all, where great threats arise, death is always lurking nearby and ready to claim them.

Old and new faces alike have come together to safeguard the future of the world as the Lionheart embarks on one last adventure…

Will they see it through to the end?


Recruitment has officially opened and one can easily find a posting about it on one of the noticeboards in the various Alliance capitals.

For those who are interested, they are to send a letter to Valis stating their name, past affiliations, and skills.

On the OOC side of things, please reach out to one of us or drop a comment on this thread and we’ll get in touch.

Story - “Intermission”

Following their first campaign into Khaz Algar and a brief stay later, the Lionheart has been enjoying their time off back home. That doesn’t mean they’re doing nothing, however, as the occasional smaller threat rears its head and needs to be dealt with.

The first whispers seem to suggest that Uldum is their next destination…


Great guild, cool members, fun plots, GM has lots of hair, 5/5 stars

(I’ll be waiting for my paypal)


:point_right::point_left: hehe…


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Gonna have to echo Telaryn:

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Good luck, lads. Personal differences aside, Lionheart was a very significant time in my life and I am happy to have been part of it. I hope this revival goes well.


Welcome back gamers, you’ve been sorely missed! :saluting_face:


I fondly remember the stories around the Lionheart - they are iconic and a bit of a classic, really.

It’s amazing to see them back at it again. But a question - from your guild presentation I gather your stories are going to be mostly with a selected few? That is, it is unlikely for you to meet with other groups out there in the wide world?


Thank you for your kind words, everyone!

To elaborate on this, there will be plenty of moments for us to wander into people out in the open world! The way that this will work is that there will be a “main narrative”, which is for the selected few and will be told in the major campaigns, but it won’t be the only thing the Lionheart will do.

In between these campaigns, and there will be months in between, there will be a variety of other storylines for us to do - either done by myself or others - or we might run into a group while we’re in, say, Stromgarde and do something together with them because our groups click well. These stories could bring us to another part of the world as well; we’re not bound to any of the hubs we visit during our downtime.

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That sounds cool. In that case, perhaps I will meet you in the wide world.

We are holding out for the heroes of the Alliance then. Will look forward reading your epic stories.

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The Lionheart Returns!



Jokes aside, best of luck on your comeback! I have fond memories of my brief time with you. :grin:


I have good memories from my time on Bresga in the guild.
Still have the tarot card that the guild pooled together to have made for members, good times!

Hope I won’t run into you IC since I’ll have to shoot you in the backs when no one is watching, but good to see it back!


Yess!! The tarot cards were honestly amazing. Glad to see you’re still around, Bresga!


Welcome back and all my best wishes for this new return!



As others have said, however:

We’re so back bros


We’ve just completed our first campaign, and it was a great time! Beat up some gnolls, fought some kobolds and capped it off with the classic cave showdown. Kudos to Guillaume for once again being a great DM…

I very much enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with some nice folks :slightly_smiling_face:


Excuse me, ya’ll forgot this :crown:

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Incredibly based.