Whenever people push the whole “goat” meme into an IC conversation, I just … yikes.
The Sha’ur has been on quite a journey the passed week, as they’ve ventured to Northrend for an expedition, which has taken a turn.
Started in Howling Fjord, now in Storm Peaks as dark forces are toying with the Draenei group. What will happen next, I wonder.
No matter what happens, we’re just lucky that hooves don’t get frostbite!
Well, we’re finally leaving the snow behind.
At least I think so. Northrend has a habit of drastically ruining our plans.
One more night of surviving the Exarch’s snoring, if that’s the case.
After long weeks of staying on the cold land of Northrend, the Sha’ur has finally returned to Stormwind and Sha’Aree.
They will take the time to relax and enjoy the upcoming holidays of Azeroth.
Ghehe, yeah.
Just in time for winter’s veil, then!
We are currently having a blast with newfound allies in a face of Fel Scythe! Last day of mini-campaign, which yet again proves a possibility of cooperation between the Draenei then Demon Hunters, as they face a common enemy!
Super Goaty guild
Awesome Goat guild!! Onward to 8.3
The year will soon be coming to an end! And so will the wor.-- I mean, Happy New Year everyone, from the Sha’ur! May 2020 be an awesome year! \o/
Sha’ur is currently undergoing through some changes, as all Castes are receiving updates in all aspects. And yes, we are still very very much alive!
Lenoir owes me gold.
Lies and slander.
The Sha’ur is hosting a Jed’hin day this Sunday, 08:00PM ST. If you wish to tag in and participate, don’t forget your bare chest and a kilt! Event will take place at Sha’Aree. (OOCly in Elodor, Shadowmoon Valley).
Sha’ur has been sent south to Eastern Kingdom along their allies the Freeblade Company on a mission they cannot 'a’void. Ha.
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