[A-RP] The Sha'ur 🐐

Story of the Sha’ur

Ten years ago a draenei military unit has been formed, in order to protect the Draenei kin as well as act in the interests of the Alliance. The Sha’ur - led by Exarch Kelara, this unit has became more than a military unit to its members. It became a family where the slogan was: All for one, one for all. As the time has passed, the unit has suffered many casualties, yet still struggled to continue its mission. With the leadership replacement, The Sha’ur was led now by the 2nd Exarch - Zarred. Unfortunately, the Sha’ur with time has suffered even more casualties and eventually has been disbanded.

Now, after so many years, the Sha’ur has been resurrected from the ashes, to carry on the traditions and vision of its first members. The Sha’ur, a symbol for all those fallen brothers and sisters and at the same time, a vessel to carry on the traditions of the original self. Led by Exarch Lenoir, ex-member of the original unit, The Sha’ur once again stands for the interests of the Draenei along with assisting its allies in these dire times.


The Sha’ur is a Draenei order; formed with a sole purpose of standing for Draenei interests. Originally coming from military roots, the Sha’ur undergoes a reform of its inner structure with the intention of becoming a more versatile order, and to unite the Draenei beneath a single banner to oppose any incoming threats. Regardless of the occupation or experience, anyone can find a suitable task within the order, be it a healer, soldier, crafter and so on.

Praetorians Caste.
Military branch of the Sha’ur which consists of skilled veterans who stand at the frontline and oppose any foe that dare to unsheathe its weapon against the Draenei. Led by the Commander, the Praetorians caste is a vanguard of the order.

Prelate Caste.
A word can be as dangerous as the sword. The Prelate Caste is a diplomatic and social wing which consists mainly of ambassadors, civilians, healers and Draenei of other occupations who wish to support the order yet avoiding being involved with a military service directly. The Prelate caste is a largely social branch of the Sha’ur.

Artificer Caste.
No single unit can function without the ample supplies needed for their varied tasks. The Artificer caste is a place for talented crafters and engineers who wish to cooperate to create amazing devices and support the order with handy tools. In addition to this they are tasked with negotiating trade agreements and unions with the other guilds.


Once a military-only unit, the Sha’ur now turns into a flexible order with three branches to ensure that each draenei will find its own place amongst the others within the order and own kin. It is an attempt to unite the draenei together once more, where each would stand shoulder to shoulder on a battlefield and share the same table in the inn during the feast.

On the other side of things, we are a bunch of chill and cool folks who enjoy RPing. Despite IC structure and hierarchy, OOCly we are all equal and simply roll out to share, care and enjoy the game and our small but friendly community.

Recruiting officers: Lenoir, Allerii, Kaliza, Zehkokan, Aurakha, Maalla
Contact discord: Tenebres Tel’rei#6828 (Lenoir)

Final notes:

Well, there are no final notes as of now! I prefer to keep it simple and enjoyable. However, if you have any questions or feedback, do not hesitate to ask either in-game or here! This thread will be updated frequently with more information, as the time goes.


This sounds really interesting I have been looking for a good RP guild for my Draenei


Look no further, come have a gander !


Glad to see a more new draenei guilds popping up. Good luck you with your adventures!


We aren’t THAT new but considering to other guilds, perhaps there is truth in that. Thank you a lot!


I have so far met at least one of the Sha’ur and he’s been very kind for my character.

It’s nice to see a dedicated Draenei guild. :slight_smile:


Ragid bows but continues to roam the city


The Sha’ur is thriving and doing well. With our numbers recently growing up, the Sha’ur begins its preparations for a long deployment soon, as well as conducting a bunch of diplomatic meetings to install a long friendly term relationion with other guilds!


Still drunken but i’ll manage!


After a brief re-deployment to Feralas, Sha’ur finally arrives back to Stormwind City, after completion of several tasks and is about to dive into preparations for Christmass Veil. We are looking for all those lonely draenei to join our family!


Absolutely lovely folks, and I’m not one bit biased here. If you’re looking for a Draenei guild with a relaxed friendly atmosphere give us a look.


Fun guild of goats, enjoy RPing with them, well worth checking out for any Draenei interested in a focused hub for the species.


I’ve met several of them, all of them are 11/10 when it come to RP niceness. Awesome people!


Sha’ur is still rocking hard and seeking for all the best :goat: to join us! Baa for the Naaru! We shall :rocket: high and land :fire: :fireworks: on another planet to increase :goat: population!


Sha’ur is now deployed on the Operation: Thronebreaker along with other lovely units: 12th Penal Company, Gilded Lions, Kul Tiran Marine and Tideforged Corsairs. For the Alliance!


The Sha’ur has successfully finished Operation: Thronebreaker along with the units! This operation has given a lot of experience, new opportunities as well as decisions, to be made in order to improve and become better.

Huge thanks to Seabridge for hosting this outstanding campaign.


Come back to not Elodor. I have nothing to talk to the pandaren about, excluding vapid pleasantries!


We will come back tomorrow!

The Sha’ur has successfully finished Operation: Napalm and we are back to Sha’Aree village once more! We always are glad to have more :goat: to join our super :goat: community.


I was told there was berries here. WHERE ARE THEY.

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