[A-RP] The Thornspeakers - Recruiting

“Despise not death but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else.”

Kul Tirans who heard the call of the wilds, come and seek out Ulfar, for you have been chosen for a greater cause. Honour your legacy, honour your heritage - find your destiny in preserving the balance of life and death.

What we are looking for:

Kul Tiran and Human characters only, either druids or nature oriented, ranger-like individuals (hunters, warriors, etc.). The reason for this is because although Thornspeakers are only the druids, we also would like to represent the Rangers who joined forces with the druids of the Crimson Forest and anyone who would like to get closer to druidism and nature in its whole.
Also, your character’s origin is preferred to be Kul Tiran to stay true to the Drust lineage and the calling itself.

PS.: The guild is still in the first phases and we would like to ask patience from all who join us. Please contact us in-game, whisper or mail us about applications.

AA page: /node/228238


It’s good to see a Thornspeaker guild around, especially with the popularity of Kul Tiran druids among playerbase. :slight_smile:
Although i had a question in general:
Since druid class is not available to Humans, would you accept Worgen druids whom aren’t Worgen IC, but a Kul Tiran Thornspeaker IC? Since they can use human form, and when in combat (RP PvP for example), can shapeshift to a druid form.
Although i can see a MW monk work for some Druidic aesthetics too.

I wish you best of luck with this cool idea, and hope to see you around! :smile:

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I wish you the best of luck with this guild. It is nice to see more Kul Tiran themed guilds pop up and give Kul Tiras the well deserved attention in role play.

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The Alliance Salvaging And Procurement bids The Thornspeakers welcome, and hope you will grow well! If anything I can be of assistance with, then do ask.


My elf will be waiting for when it is possible to come and learn from you. Losing his immortality left him fearful for whats beyond, especially with Sylvannas raising them back up again.
Best of luck! :evergreen_tree:

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So what I wanted to say (I’m just very terrible with the functions of the forum) is:

I was thinking about this too, it would work but there is only one thing, and that is exactly the druid forms. Thornspeakers don’t use the traditional forms which are based on Wild Gods, they are depicting the forces of nature as they have seen through the creatures influenced by Gol Inath. This is sadly one of the main aspects of why the Thornspeakers are so different, otherwise there would be no problem.

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Met these dedicated RP players during our own guild-intern event today and they looked really, really amazing! Give them a shoot if you are looking for a highly KT-druid-themed guild!

Dioniss aca! :sun_with_face:

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