[A-RP] Tideforged Warhawk ⛵ Seafaring Mercenaries

Recruitment: OPEN
Recruiting Officers: Antiles, Láyon, Dmuldoon

Guild Concept

A nautical-themed guild from the past; filled with adventure and other shenanigans (our previous threads one and two are here for archiving purposes). It has been revived after having gone dormant back in 2019 - time sure flies.

We’re based around where the ship (The Daring Spirit) is moored as it acts as our mobile headquarters. Our members are part of a privateer crew but they also work in the field as mercenaries; think mercenaries but at sea (but also proxies for the Proudmoore Admiralty for the sake of plausible deniability).

The Fourth War is over, that doesn’t mean there’s no work for these seafaring mercenaries! Be it at land or at sea, the possibilities are endless with swashbuckling adventures to tavern brawls!

There are no race restrictions here and the only uniform is the one you choose to wear and which fits the nautical theme. This is where outcasts and irregular characters can shine and serve their faction through not-so-honourable means.


Our OOC rules are simple and straightforward; use common sense, adhere to lore to the best of your ability: know the distinction between a player and their character and generally don’t be a dick.

However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t IC rules. Infact, they’re more elaborate and extensive as they not only give a clear and defined structure for the guild while also serve as a tool to faciliate more RP for the guild (and whomever chooses to interact with us). Afterall, there are bound to be rulebreakers and it could lead to some interesting scenarios. That being said, some paperwork is outdated and may required some review.

Code of Conduct

Section I – Principle Directives

Article I.
Principle directives take precedence over all other articles written. The Articles found in this code of Conduct may not be changed without legal counsel.

Article II.
All members and those in the employ of House Jaggerhawk are to be held individually accountable for their actions in adherence to Alliance Law.

Article III.
It is the civic duty of House Jaggerhawk and all under their employ, to aid the Alliance in all its endeavors.

Article IV.
All quarrels are to be settled in a civilized manner and in accordance with the Law.

Section II – Civil Rights

Article I.
A. Employees aren’t considered property and aren’t behold to the employer by oath. They reserve the right to absolve the contract provided they are not on deployment.
B. The employer reserve the right the right dismiss an employee from service at any given time; provided that the employée has the means of getting back to friendly territory on their own.

Article II
A. Employees are entitled to a monthly wage, three meals a day and roof above their heads. No rank shall determine the size of the portions. They also have the right of being treated by a Physician.
B. Any employee who loses a limb shall be financially compensated in addition to their monthly wage.

Section III – Employment

Article I.
A. Employees are considered part of a crew and consequently adheres to the chain of command established by the employer.

B. Employees are expected to obey orders given by the superiors in the mentioned chain of command in all respects. Otherwise it’s considered disobedience.

C. Employees reserve the right to express their opinion but are still expected to remain professional.

Article II.
A. Employees are expected to be punctual, responsible and adhere to all the rules detailed in our code of conduct.

B. Employees aboard should carry out their duties efficiently to the best of their ability with utmost care for the responsibilities entrusted to them.

C. Employees have a right to be told clearly what their duties are and to who they are responsible for carrying them out.

Article III.
A. Disobedience is considered a moderately severe misconduct which are valid grounds for disciplinary actions.

(Section VI, Article II. B.)

B. While deployed; disobedience will be considered Insubordination at best and mutiny at worst; disciplinary action will vary according to its severity.
(Section VI, Article II. C.)

C. Deployment is wherever the crew operates, such as a warzone be it on land or at sea.

Section IV - Seafaring

Article I.
A. The crew is considered on deployment whenever they are at sea, assigned to work in a specific area or location, or behind enemy lines.

Article II
A. It is very important, for both the efficient operation of the ship, and to avoid putting extra work on others, to be punctual. It’s expected of any Seafarer to be onboard the designated ship at the appointed time from shore leave or other work.

B. The ship is both a seafarer’s place of work and home. Therefore both personal and shared facilities and accommodation should be used appropriately with utmost consideration of others also using said facilities.

Article III.
A. Disobedience during combat situations will be treated as insubordination.

(Section VI, Article II. C.)

B. To desert the ship or quarters in battle, is considered an act of mutiny and shall be punished accordingly.
(Section VI, Article II. D.)

Article VI.
A. Every man or women are responsible to keep their armaments clean and fit for service. Neglecting to maintain the weapons will be considered as a less severe misconduct.

(Section VI, Article II. A.)

Section V – Rules of Engagement

Article I
A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks or credible threats of attack.

B. Hostile actions may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act.

C. Whenever attacked by a civilian population, you should use the minimum force necessary under the circumstances and proportional to the threat.

D. Use whatever means deemed necessary to deny assets of tactical and strategic value to any and all enemy forces.

E. In the event that an Alliance of convenience is established with forces normally considered hostile, prepare to eventually be double-crossed and act accordingly.

Article II.
A. It is encouraged to execute any and all hostile forces which do not surrender or is critically wounded in the wake of a battle.

B. Any that declare their surrender verbally are to be treated as per Article III. An act of surrender includes a verbal declaration and the willing relinquishment of all weapons and armour.

C. Enemies which are identified being part of a malevolent force (demons, cultists, undead, etc.) with sinister intentions which goes against the interests of Kul Tiras and the Alliance are to be shown no mercy whatsoever.

Article III.
A. Any enemy that performs an act of surrender as per Article II. under Paragraph B is to be treated fairly.

B. Any wounds that the enemy suffers after surrendering are only to be treated upon request by an Officer.

C. Use the minimum force needed under the circumstances to keep any rowdy prisoners subdued.

D. Under no circumstances shall any prisoner be a subject to perverted acts. The guilty party will be treated with the harshest of penalties.
(Section VI. Article II. Paragraph D.)

Section VI - Punishment

Article I.
A. Disciplinary actions (otherwise known as punishments) are used to enforce the Code of Conduct which employees agreed to adhere to when signing their respective contract.

B. Should the individual break any local laws, or break the laws of the Alliance they will be taken care of by the local authorities like any other law breaking civilian.

C. Anything which constitutes an act of mutiny such as but not limited to abandoning your post in combat, instigating a coup to overthrow the ranking officer or even defecting to join the enemy warrants the harshest of penalties.
(Article II. D.)

Article II.
A. Less severe misconducts are punished with but not limited to menial duties such as latrine-scrubbing.

B. Moderately severe misconducts are punished with but not limited to either beasting, a cut in pay, flogging or spending time in the ship’s brig.

C. More severe misconducts are punished with but not limited to spending time in the brig alongside either, a demotion, loss of privileges, flogging or even a dismissal from service.

D. The harshest of penalties are reserved for those guilty of mutiny and they can range from but are not limited to maiming, keelhauling or execution.
(Article I. C.)

Article III.
A. Any punishment of a subordinate delivered without any grounds is considered an unlawful act.

B. Medics may not be punished for tending to the wounded.


Anyone who seeks to join the guild ought to know that on an IC basis. Your character will need to sign an employment contract before they will be actually considered a member of the crew. This is to add to an extra layer to immersion and marks the first stepping stone of a swashbuckling adventure.

Employment Contract

This Contract of Employment is made effective by and between you, the individual (henceforth addressed to as the “Employee” or otherwise simply referred as “You”) and Baron Adolphus Jaggerhawk, the Lord of Jaggerpoint and Captain of the Daring Spirit (henceforth addressed to as the “Employer” or otherwise simply referred to as “We” or “Us”).

It’s a legal agreement where you, the employee, acknowledges that you are joining the Tideforged Warhawks aboard the Daring Spirit and may be subjected to hazardous situations and conditions which may lead to severe injury or even death. Both parties may terminate this contract of employment while not on deployment. However, the employer may under extreme circumstances terminate the contract at any given time.

You are juridically entitled to a monthly wage with three meals a day, a roof over your head and the free services of a physician. Should you lose a limb while serving with us, then you will be financially compensated according to its severity alongside with your monthly wage.

Your responsibilities while serving with us is dependent but not limited to your skillset and area of expertise. You acknowledge that you shall carry out your duties efficiently and to the best of your ability with utmost care for the responsibilities entrusted to you.

As an employee, you are expected to be punctual, responsible and adhere to all the rules detailed in our Code of Conduct. You agree by joining us that in the event of any misconduct done by you that we reserve the right to exercise disciplinary actions depending on the severity of your misconduct. You also acknowledge that we’re not responsible for any illicit or otherwise criminal activity committed by you while on deployment or on shore leave.

Lastly, by signing this employment contract. You acknowledge that you’ve read and agreed to abide by our terms and everything relevant to them and the rules detailed in our code of conduct.

Employer’s Signature

Employee’s Signature

As any other guild around, we are looking for members who share our enthusiasm for RP in the Warcraft setting and with respect for the lore. Preferably the character won’t be just another alt which will eventually fade away and gather dust on a shelf. Otherwise, if your character fits the following categories.

  • Member of the Alliance :white_check_mark:

  • Lore Friendly :white_check_mark:

  • Capable of Character Growth :white_check_mark:

  • Not Invincible :white_check_mark:

Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to decline anyone at our own discretion. Therefore characters who fit the following categories will not be considered for recruitment.

  • Death Knights :x:
  • Demon Hunters :x:
  • Darkfallen / Dark Ranger :x:
  • Man’ari Eredar :x:
  • Absurdly Over-powered :x:

Captain :sun_behind_large_cloud:
Founder, paperpusher and probably most importantly, the funding patron of the Tideforged Corsairs. This stubborn git essentially calls the shots and make sure there’s always a plan in motion; no matter how vague.

First Mate :sun_behind_large_cloud:
Mostly considered a counterweight to the Captain’s authority and acts as his second-in-command.

Warrant Officers :sun_behind_large_cloud:
Warrants Officers are essentials links in the chain of command who has given responsibilities aboard the ship which is deemed crucial to its function.

Petty Officer :sun_behind_large_cloud:
Practically officers of the most junior rank; a mark of seniority among the crew who have been given a a degree of responsibility aboard the ship which is deemed vital to its function.

Warhawk :eagle:
Those who successfully pass all the final tests of the training regime and trial period eventually rise to the rank of Warhawk. Where they in turn are in a position to mentor other Apprentices.

Warfeather :dove:
Junior members of the guild. Recognized to be able to hold their own but still have yet to complete the training doctrine.

Fledgling :bird:
The fresh faces aboard who have yet to show their capabilities.


Most lovable morons I know as a guild member :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Looks cool. I’ll give it a gander.

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I would love to come by when time allows, perhaps we shall meet by chance IC at some point.

The world is a large place after all.
This seems like a fun idea!

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If you bring free booze, then we’re all ears. :+1:

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Lorrus Roseshield always got some on him!

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Then we got a deal! We’ll meet soon no doubt!


A bunch of good friends, and talented roleplayers. If you’re seeking to embark into a wild adventure around the world, than, Captain Jaggerhawk and the Daring Spirit are exactly what you’re looking for!


Here’s a sneakpeak from an event of ours, or rather the after action report of one!


We had departed Stormwind earlier that day with a southern heading alongside the coast. A fog started to roll in which was getting more dense for every moment. I ordered us to reduce to half sails until we could get clear of it. That’s when I reached out to the elemental spirits and asked if they could help me guide the ship out. Only to realize there was some other magic at work which sought to suppress my communion with them.

Shimmers went up to the crow’s nest and was able to spot a ship ahead to our starboard side. I gave the order to dim the lanterns because I didn’t want to make it easier for them to locate us in the fog. Captain Shelana Summerstrider, of the Bloody Fortune ended up calling out to us and asked for assistance. Shimmers reported that they were anchored which made me suspicious; making anchor out at sea during a thick fog is asking for trouble.

What really sold me that it was a trap was the request for directions. Any Captain worth their salt would’ve a compass to help navigating. Shimmers proved instrumental to relay my orders quietly to Layon and Daryl. We wouldn’t be caught unawares and we got close enough for a gangway to be settled. That’s when the command to throw the F.R.I.E.D was given along with a broadside of canister shots.

That’s when the fighting began in earnest and during the course of it. Their Captain sought to get into the cargo hold; bee lining for the Storm Silver vault which was used for the Azerite storage during the Fourth War. She was after the Night Haunter - the dagger which we acquired as payment on the 8th August for helping Laey against some legion remnant cultists.

In the aftermath; we got twelve wounded and five dead.

The enemy ship has been sunk, no survivors save for their Captain who’s kept in total isolatin within our brig as part of her interrogation.

Captain Adolphus Jaggerhawk

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