A gyrocopter flies above both Ironforge and Stormwind. Attached to its tail, a purple banner flutters in the wind. It reads: “Come one, come all, to the Tinker’s Faire in New Tinkertown!”
Hello all!
Seeing as the first Tinker’s Faire was a great success, I thought I’d take an advantage of the current situation in lore and organize a second one! The activities/structure of the event are the same as last time: there’s going to be some mini-events (listed below), but the main attraction is intended to be the market where tinkers and inventors can show off and sell their latest creations.
The only difference from the last one is that the Mechanical pets tournament has been replaced by a PVP tournament!
Date: Sunday 13th October
Time: 20 PM Server Time
Location: New Tinkertown
Program beside the market:
Mimiron’s Sweepstake
A simple and fun raffle game. At the start of the event, Ryder will hand out numbered tickets. Before the end of the event three random tickets will win some fabulous engineering gadgets!
Race Around the Airfield
A mounted race. Each partecipant will be asked to ride a Mechanostrider and then do a test run to show the circuit before the race begins.
Cog-Gate Tournament
A standard tournament of PVP duels held outside the Great Cog-gate leading into New Tinkertown. Only dps specs. No flasks/bandages/buffs of any kind allowed.
If you 'd like to have a stall or have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to add me on discord Ryder#1095 or on battlenet Ryder#2800
I had much fun on my gnome at the last event, it’s good to see this happening again!
Great friends of the Dirge… We would be honoured to attend.
I’m very happy to hear that!
And I would be HONORED to have you, soldiers
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Great initiative as before, I’ll try and find the time to come along with Arclight! Expect us to show off some technological marvels from the newly reclaimed Mechagon.
Last one was a blast! I’ll definitely try to stop by!
If only I hadn’t race changed to a orc. 
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this is going to be epic!! 
Will try to be there, missed the last one and seem to be an event that gets a lot of positive feedback 
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I don’t have a gnome unfortunately, but I’ll try to be there this time!
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Happy to have you!
I’ll take this chance to clarify: the event is gnome-themed, but every race of the Alliance is welcome! After all, the purpose of the market is to show the other races the wonders that can be created through Tinkering.
not usually a huge fan of gnomes but this sounds cool, hope y’all have fun 
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Hehe, hoho, haha. This looks like a mighty fine event that me and the Dirge will surely attend! 
Originally I was going to ruin this event for everyone by not bumping but then I did because Ryder looked at me.
Thank you Crowton for not ruining the event for everybody else.
ALSO! There’s still some spots left if you’re interested in having a stall at the market! Contact me either on discord (Ryder#1095) or on battlenet (Ryder#2800).
This is tonight!!
(There’s still some spots left in the market, so if you wanna have a stall go ahead and tell me!)
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Truly a great event, the mini-events were concise but fitting, the interactions between all were varied but temperate and you really felt immersed into a Gnomish experience!
I’m proud to announce the winner of the 'Race around the Airfield" is Wikkin the FILTHY LEPER
The winner of the Cog-Gate tournament is Acylla Duskmane, Sainur Ironfist close second!
Thank you all for attending soldiers!
Had some good fun! And despite the heated emotions that were released due to a leper winning the mechanostrider race, and a fel-user winning the duels, it added more spiciness to the scenes - showing that the foul and corrupt aren’t welcome everywhere.
For Khaz Modan!
Here are som screenshots from tonight, didn’t get from all the battles, had to leave before it was all finnished but I take it was an eventful ending
It’s lovely when there’s public events like these
(maybe Kump will come once again to save the day and post the pictures since I’m not trusted on these forums