[A-RP] Unsavoury Rumors

Despite the Church’s most sincere attempts at keeping gossip from spreading, the following rumors can be heard emerging among the citizens of Stormwind while first of course reaching the ears of the Church’s own.

“It was the Kaldorei! Their druids ran rampant through Northshire Valley. They were wild! Feral even, wild beasts and little more… And that poor book binder… What was his name again? Snyde? Mr. Pryde?”

“I heard that a puddle of goo is all that remained of the book binder after what those elves did to him!”

“I don’t understand how the noble Kaldorei can be involved in this. Clearly, there’s more to this than we are able to grasp at this moment.”

“I always found Aeldan Pryde a questionable individual. Haven’t you heard about how he burnt all those books the other night? He was never the same after he returned from his stay in Darkshire… His untimely death only underlines my assumptions: Clearly he was possessed! Like that Ahnes! A fitting end, the Kaldorei did well in purging him!”

“The Kaldorei wanted information on the Curse of Duskwood, or so I hear. Oddly enough, all books on that particular subject had been purged from the Abbey’s collection. Are those the books Mr. Pryde burned on that pyre some three weeks ago? Such sacrilege!”

“I don’t know what to think… Good thing that Jean-Phillipe wasn’t there to witness it all… Curious how he decided to leave the Abbey for the first time, and thus managed to avoid this whole ordeal… I wonder… Can he see into the future by fiddling his robe like he does? Perhaps he sensed the danger, and fled! Oh, also, the grapes from Northshire are quite juicy.”

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