[A-RP] Whispers from the Void - Limited Time Event (CANCELLED)

Very true. They are as worthless to the rp community as oocers. Big chunk of them stands there just to get into ooga booga in garrison


That is so damn accurate, sadly :c

I loathe this kind of “roleplayer”.

Sad to hear that your event failed, OP.

I don’t get the idea behind putting “approachable” in your profile. If you’re inside a hub, you’re by default approachable, no?


Can someone please just explain to me why we have a billion hero type characters patrolling day and night and as soon as any kind of threat faces the city, They dont even wait two %#&" minutes to let it breath before they go Super Saiyan and bring out their god hammer and dual wield the sword Illidan gave them of a thousand truths or they gang up in mongol horde style on any kind of baddie and just power emote it into dust.

I remember watching a witch in duskwood and 5 others baddies threaten the town with a huge giant “Control undead rare” and it took scoobie and the mystery gang 5 seconds to discover that the rare was under control for a small amount of time and as soon as it got loose just blasted it to oblivion, Then 30 or so other heroes just power emoted the poop emoji out of the baddies until they ran away…That’ll do donkey That’ll do…Screw you Shrek and friends.


According to lots of people you’re really not unless it’s in their favour.

Hit the hammer on the nail there.

It’s a shame what happened as it did seem to be interesting… oh well, I would suppose to a lot of die-hard Stormwind RPers that a late night romp is more interesting to them after they’ve been alt-tabbed out for twenty minutes with the “Approachable, I don’t bite :3” tag in their TRP.

This stuff always lowkey reminds me of when other like-minded people such as yourself want to bring good and oriented RP stuff into SW… or even other areas, but then eventually it’ll be ignored, misunderstood and even be met with hostilities. It’s a shame, but I guess it’s why Ironforge is a graveyard too - most people just cannot let of go of Stormwind and just want to engage in the same, boring stuff (with the usual weird, cringy and erotic stuff that comes with it).


Ah… good thing I never grab it in the first place.

To those of you who stand around Stormwind like statues with “Approachable” in your TRP practically begging for someone to talk to you, only to ignore someone when they finally talk to you to engage in RP. You add nothing to this community, go away.

You are not asked to approach! You are allowed to approach his holiness, the Archmage Templar Knight of Northshire Abbey, Sir Winalot, now. He graciously agrees to copy-paste his entire Word document about made up victories with “cool” catchphrase moments to you!

On a more serious note: I’m sorry you had to can the project.

And if by some magical coincidence one of those people who reacted like this happen to stumble on this: Seriously, you sound boring. Please work on your RP.

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Stormwind RP was already corrupted. N’zoth’s whispers could not outmatch all the rage over cookies and cupcakes, and pastry bakers.

Not to forget the vanilla 'n Strawberry perfumes.

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I don’t understand. There where so many on board with the town crier RP but not this?


Likely because that didn’t require them to do anything. All you really had to do was go and listen to the crier. And even then, there have been plenty of posts that show everyone actually didn’t like the town crier RP (for whatever reason). There were OOC insults, attempts to force-kill the character, people telling them to ”go away” etc.

Turns out, not everyone wants RP to happen unless it’s done the way they like it.


The guy roleplaying the town crier had dozens of aggressive OOC whispers (many of them actually from the same guy on several alts, in retrospect. Cringe ! :woozy_face:) as well as even more quasi-OOC “roleplay” that was obviously just Lower Order statue roleplayer raging out OOC with their character as a mouthpiece. They just stuck with it longer - but I don’t blame OP at all for dipping

Like what feels like a 70% :exclamation:of Stormwind has this extremely crippling take on roleplay - where any roleplay that creates a scene / conflict / isn’t just the default [smokes a cigar menacingly next to the cathedral] RP is met with utterly banal OOC yells / whispers / characters sprinting towards you (often from several districts away) to say “stop [roleplaying] so loudly! the orphans are sleeping!!!”

A few days ago I roleplayed a draenei preacher who gave a small sermon about how how doing charity / being honest is really good and that doing good deeds to alieviate suffering will weaken the influence of the Void and I had like 5 difference gamers roll up smoking cigars saying "heh … damn fanatic :sunglasses:… get outta here … why are you preaching the light here (cathedral of the light) … you’ll wake up the orphans … " and later had some guard RPers threaten to fine / arrest my character for causing a public disturbance (for talking about the Holy Light … at the Cathedral District :sweat_smile:)

It feels like from some people there is an unconcious effort to enforce a static / statuelike Stormwind experience and want to snuff out any RP that doesn’t involve an ending where :two: garrison hearthstones are fired up at the same time :couple: - and it is hurting that hub a lot




Oh so it was you! squints eyes Just for clearance, I know your post was made in general but the only reason our people ( Dawn of the Faithfull) took no liking to your draenei was due to the conflict with the Ren’Dorei when Alfred was holding our Sermon, wich was purely IC a difference of vieuws, wich we did enjoy to see the more Human take on the Light clash with that of the Draeneic people, so I hope you didnt count us in between these you were targetting it at xD.

Furthermore, I can see where you are coming from, though I am to play the devils advocate, lately almost all RP scenes have resulted in drama and perhaps people are just getting tired of that and wish to halt it when they have a feeling its to cause a scene.
But honestly, roleplay is roleplay and that is how I am interpreting the situation.
Would be sad to spent 11 euro/month for in the end just to be standing in a Square with nothing going on.

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It’s a shame that so much of Stormwind’s RPers are more concerned with keeping their status quo than introduce any sort of conflict in their life.

I can respect those who wish to ignore it and go about their day. But the insistence of those who will go out of their way to tell you to stop doing your RP because they don’t agree with it is baffling and should honestly find a hub more suited to their very specific (albeit boring) tastes.

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Causing a scene IC for IC reasons is good however and I basically do this everytime I role play Morsteth, if you mean that people are tired of role players like f. ex. the head of the Frozen Hand Clan doing extremely lame OOC motivated role play to rile up other players, I agree


Exactly… They should live and let live as the saying goes, unless I just butchered it with my scrubby English skills.
The last thing the current RP scene needs are hero characters acting as RP police, god emoting anything that is not to their liking.
I’ve moved myself away from some of the scenes, because I couldn’t handle the chat but I have and will never rush in and demand people to stop doing their RP.

What turns my head upside down is that I’ve seen a lot of BIG roleplay happen in Stormwind like this. And every time, you get usual who can’t stand anything other than their AFK RP at the Cathedral Square.

Here’s the twist that confuses me. The people who rant in whispers, discords, facebook groups or translate it into their own roleplay will go on to attend the next ‘scene’ and the next scene and the next scene because they know, deep down inside, that people going in riots over void elves, executing Horde prisoners in the city or preaching about charity (that some how causes conflict) is the best kind of RP they have gotten in a very long time. :point_up:


I don’t know them at all.
Its just that the types of Roleplayers differ, I know some very good people who will never interact with dramatic scenes ( Town Crier etc) and instead just spent their days in the Recluse casually chatting and living their life.
And then others that wish to get involved with as many RP in the city, including the riots etc.
At the moment, there is a third type and these are the ones that go : ‘’ Yeah stop you can’t do this.’’ instead of just moving past and going on with their own business.