[A] <Sail>, a social guild and sanctuary

Sail is a social guild for mature people. I created this guild because I wanted a second home in the game where the mood is cozy and every member feels welcome. Often guildies will go out of their way to help each other, which is exactly the kind of attitude that our guild atmosphere fosters.

We are a talkative gang who like to discuss all sorts of things in guild chat. Some can make a joke out of anything while others prefer talking about their hobbies. For us, playing WoW Classic is a way to meet people who like to co-operate and have a pleasant conversation along the way.

There are quite a few creative people among us; music producers, miniature painters and photographers, to name a couple. Some of us are serious book connoisseurs, and there is a Warcraft lore nerd in there somewhere!

Since launch we have knit a few strong bonds within the guild and will continue to build upon our strong core. There is some interest for RP/social events in the future but most agree that it’s still a little early. It’s up to our members to decide which direction the guild might take in the future.

We recruit inexperienced players and veterans alike, what matters most is how you are as a person. The application process is simple, just chat up Ruinatrix, Cida or Kahvitauko in-game. If we’re all offline or playing on alts, feel free to leave a reply to this thread of PM me. Hopefully you will feel right at home with us! :slight_smile:


It’s been a nice stay, even if Classic just started! Don’t often find social guilds with such dedicated leaders and members that actually know each other and care for each other. We’ve also done dungeons together almost daily, and helped each other in questing and finding gear and items definitely daily.

My personal dream is that we might find some small group in our guild to roleplay with, but so far, we’re just enjoying the leveling process and getting to know each other!

Glad to see more alliance guilds popping up, I can’t wait to see you guys grow!

Hi there, was wondering if this guild is still recruiting.

I was playing Horde on ZT, but am going to move to Alliance (played Alliance during original Vanilla)

Was just wondering what classes the guild is short (if joining and recruitment is still open)


Hi Rook, I’m happy you’re curious about the guild. We’re not recruiting any specific classes, you’re welcome either way, but to answer your question we mostly lack Druids and Priests.

Today we’re starting our first weekly event, Dungeon Sundays! Starting at 6pm gametime.

People are still leveling up, so mostly we’ll be doing lowbie dungeons to get people on higher levels. Depending on how many turn up, I’m hoping we’ll get several groups going. Beginning of this week it felt like we might be stuck with just several groups to DM, but heck, people have been fast with their leveling!

Can’t wait to get to more activities with our bunch and have some chats while at it. :slight_smile:

After several joyful dungeon sundays, we’ve noticed that tanks are few and far in between…

If you like to tank, even if it’s not your main thing, and like the idea of a cozy guild with a slow tempo, apply now! You’re pretty much guaranteed a spot in our dungeon events.