[A] <Scarlet Crusade> PvE/WPvP/Light-RP

Intro: We are a Zandalar Guild, looking to do raid-progression,
WPvP and light-RP events. Some of us played all the way back originally
but didn’t get to do all. In raids we expect plenty of people to learn or re-learn how they
work, we are confident that we will progress through the phases.

Requirements: We seek people who want to raid and World-PvP but are also good for RP-events.
Examples of such events would be Guild Meetings, Parades, Patrolling low-leveling zones against
hordes. You are expected to farm a guild uniform consisting of Scarlet Monastery pieces and/or
complementing gear. The most important piece is the Scarlet Tabard which will be the mandatory
at all times to wear Guild Tabard, representing the guild.

Important to also note is that we allow any spec but your character must be a Human with the
exception of Night-Elf Druids&Hunters to cover all classes.

Raid-Schedule: Our own not set yet (we are currently joint-raiding on thursdays though) but expect 2 designated raid-nights per week.

How to join: DM Me here on discord discord.gg/3C2HSBV , or add Thean#2309 on Battlenet.

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Th…th…th…the Scarlet Crusade?!

As if go…go…go…-

As if heading ou…outside wasn’t already s-scary enough!


Do not worry! There are worst things out tonight than Scarlet Crusaders.

Like what, you might ask!

Like Battlelust :smiling_imp:

(Right, that was lame attempt to copy a scene from that awesome movie… points for knowing which one :laughing:)

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For the Light and Lordaeron! I bump this thread.

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im trying to work out what movie this is now. ill loose DKP to find out…

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Tonight we defeated Sylvanas, Thrall and Saurfang along side a strong alliance of other guilds, come join the fun!

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Ahahaha, Night Elf in Sacrlet Crusade? This is joke? SC hated all races expect Human. Sorry is dislore RP guild.

I love fresh haters who are going out of their way to comment something provocative as their first post <3

Sorry to break your confidence Searlas but the Crusade originally had plenty of Quel’Dorei (High Elves) and a few Dwarves. Which is what we are playing at, then again this is not a strictly RP guild but PvE, WPvP and light-RP. Take that as you wish