(A) [Scottish Boomers] BIGGER, STRONGER, SEXIER

Dear fellow humans, gnomes, dwarves and night elves…

Just when you thought the Scottish Boomers vanquished, we’re back - and this time, we mean business. We need this ole head of Nefarian…

Of course, the majority of us are crazy Scots, we accept any nationality, creed, class, or whatever - if you want to social, do you, if you want to pvp we can do that, if you want to raid? We’ll be clearing it all.

Hit me up in game for an invite, or more information

Uncle Ba


If it was not for the fact I run an RP guild I would totally sign up with you guys. A guild full of Scottish, the banter would be off the charts I am sure.

Alba gu bràth

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Feel free to join on your next alt :slight_smile:

where’s my welsh boomers at?

cymru am byth!

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