A self-made ballad for Gilneas đź–¤

Hey everyone! :diya_lamp:

I’ve written a new song for Gilneas inspired by the old DDR ballad Kinder by Bettina Wegner, but reimagined for our beautiful kingdom in the north. It’s completely self-made, and I wanted to capture the idea that every individual is an irreplaceable part of their homeland—without its people, Gilneas is just thorns without petals.

The lyrics follow a bard calling on different members of Gilnean society—witches, brigands, gunsmiths, and more—reminding them that their craft, their voices, and their history matter. If we forget who we are, we lose what makes Gilneas whole.

I’d love to share it with the RP community, whether through storytelling, performances, or just as something to enjoy. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to include it in an event or jam along!

Feel free to comment what you think about it (yes also critic please, I want to get better :wink: ).

Thats that, c u around folks :diya_lamp:

Hope you all like it!
— The Worgen Tongue



It’s beautiful :heart:

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Yazmin, everywhere so supportive, thank you! :rose:

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