[A] <Serenity> 10/10 HC LF new faces

Hey there!
all KSM
Is an upcoming raiding guild, we raid at 20:15-23 RT Monday & Friday on the Servers Nagrand, Arathor, Runetotem, and Kilrogg. Our goal is to progress Heroic throughout the whole Shadowlands Expansion. We’re looking to get Ahead of the Curve, and KSM every season.
What is the guild looking for in New Members?
We are looking for people that enjoy Raiding and M+ but that’s not all, so if you like doing social content or just socializing, you are more then welcome to join our ranks!
Classes and specs?
We currently looking for healers, and a few dps:!
all classes are welcome, but we prefer a Priest, or druid
All dps are welcome!
Are there any requirements for joining the guild?
Yes! We expect people to be friendly and respectful to those who don’t know. We would like people to help each other out with various things, such as mechanics, systems and other things that might occur throughout our adventure’s.
What if I’m a New Player or returning to the game, does that change anything?
Of course not! We have no problem helping new people out with how the game works, and help them progress into endgame content.
And if you dont got ksm yet, we can still help you get before next season!
If you wanna check my Raiderio, look up Haily-Hellfire.

So! If you like raiding or doing other fun activities, reach out and we’ll figure something out!
If you want to join our discord to make it easier to recruit you, that would be highly appreciated, or else add the BattleTag down below :blush:
