As the title says, I’m looking for a guild for 9.1 after a long break since early March when my guild died a death. I’ve played Wow since Burning Crusade and looking to step back up into (potentially) Mythic raiding again after taking a tier off from it.
Current Tier I’ve only been doing Heroic runs on my Hunter (below) and have cleared the raid on Heroic on multiple characters as well as healing the raid on my pally.
I’ve not got mythic experience for Nathria but the guild got to 7/12M in Nyalotha.
We have a friendly alliance guild at Nordrassil/Bronze Dragonflight called the Gauntlet that could use another shadow priest if you would be interesed in transferring there!
We’re an old guild with acitivity in both pvp, raiding and m+. Everyone is very friendly and there’s always people online for a chat! The main raiding team raid twice a week (thursday/sunday 8-11 pm server time) and will be going into heroic and mythic in 9.1 (we’re 10/10 HC and 6/10 M this tier) . You can check the guild progress and roster on raider io if you’d like.
Give me a shout if you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions
/Haltastic - Nordrassil Discord: Frippe#2043
Hey Khagroudrahm, The Scarlet Circle are 6/10M and looking to fill out our roster for 9.1. If you would like to discuss feel free to drop me a message Irish#1803