“Holy Light, help me to keep to the codes of my order.
Temper my language that I remain respectful.
Strengthen my will that I remain tenacious.
Clear my mind that I remain compassionate.
Steady my arm that I continue to protect.
Sharpen my aim that I bring retribution.
Bastion my soul that I remain holy.
Stay my hand that I seek peace.
Balance my step that I bring justice.
Soften my heart that I remain altruistic.
Help me hold these codes clear;
In my mind,
In my heart,
In my soul,
By the Holy Light, May it be so.”
-A Knight’s Prayer, excerpt from the Tome of the Silver Hand - Vol.3
Greetings Argent Dawn,
It is with utmost pleasure that we introduce you the Bulwark of Truth, a freshly founded and official Chapter of the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand.
As previously mentioned, he Bulwark of Truth is an official Chapter of the Silver Hand, which currently operates all across the Eastern Kingdoms.
With their main headquarters located within the Keep of Easthold in Hillsbrad Hills (the keep being an IC place only), the Paladins rallied under the tutelage and leadership of Sir Aurelian Dawnblade, Senior and newly anointed Lord-Paladin of the Order, serve as Paladin Defenders of the Alliance, bestowed with the duties of warriors, advisors, menders, justicars and shepherds for the inhabitants of the land, aswell as the blessed flock of the faithful.
The Bulwark’s endgame is to spread the influence of the Silver Hand across the provinces of the Grand Alliance and to witness the growth of a new generation of Paladins for the realm.
Our guild’s main goal and intent is the one to allow all thos truly interested to experience the roleplay as a Paladin and member of a monastic, knightly order under another view, and depth. Active part of the Silver Hand community of Argent Dawn, we are in constant seek to make new acquitances by not only enlisting valuable candidates among our ranks, but also interacting with any other guild whom wishes to become part of our wonderful, huge family. While being of course, a fighting force, this Chapter puts great emphasis over the path of Squirehood, the studying and contemplation of the Virtues and so on, passing for the tenets of the Church of the Holy Light itself.
Quality stands above quantity, to us.
We are in seeking of roleplayers whom truly wish to be with us, and to become part of this greater community, other than of the guild itself. One of our priorities is to develop a safe, friendly and mature enviroment for everyone to enjoy. We are all adults and friends here, so with us, you are gladly asked to pursue the rules of common sense, education and decency, without dwelling into/trying to spread useless drama.
For applications, an IC approach is prefered.
Yo Angelo, is this a Paladin guild only?
It principally is, yes. The Bulwark of Truth is a Chapter of Paladins of the Silver Hand, composed by Knights of the Silver Hand and their students. However, as an active regiment of the Alliance itself, due to obvious reasons, we may value to enlist other classes other than Paladins/Priests, such as Warriors, Mages, Monks, Rangers. Dedicated ranks have been developed for non-Paladin classes. You may wish to remember, however, that even if not a Paladin, your character’ll still be serving a Holy Order.
Heyo, what kind of events are organized by the guild? What of Rp-PvP?
The Bulwakr of Truth is meant to be a sort of “open-world”, community focused guild. Our range of operation is vast and various, with great importance given to the growth of a new generation of Paladins. There are, of course, DMed events in store, but we generally act as a living, vibrant part of the server’s life. As for the Rp-PvP, despite being a great estimateur of the old campaigns of pre-BfA/BfA, you must remember that the King’s Law forbid us from attacking the Horde. That does not mean, of course, that under the right circumnstances some juicy skirmish can not happen.
What about uniforms?
None, bu you are encouraged to stay close to our attires, and the colour-scheme of black, white and gold.
Can I park my alts in the guild?
Obviously, no. There is a limit of one alt for each player in the guild.
And what if I have to be absent for a while?
Just inform us, and we’ll certainly find a deal.
I am inerested!
Take care to approach us ICly, either in Stormwind City, Stromgarde, or around Lordaeron itself.
Esarus thar no’darador.