Composure Academy
The academy is an environment where all members are able to learn their class/role and the raid(s) available in Shadowlands, in a fun, stress-free and relaxed atmosphere.
The Academy is a secondary raiding team within Composure, allowing you to progress into heroic/mythic raiding content with the main team when you are ready, subject to availability and suitability.
This is ideal for new and returning players, that wants to step foot into raiding.
What content will we be doing in the academy?
We will work towards clearing normal raids; and continue to do so every week. We will have a go at heroic content when we are ready. This group focus is on playing with each other; having fun and learning our classes/roles and the different fights within the raid - the content and difficulty isn’t a deciding factor!
What we need / recruiting?
2 Tanks
1 Healer - Resto Shaman or Holy Paladin
1-2 Melee DPS - Not War (Currently have 2)
We will be going for a 2/3/9 raid set up to begin with, with a possibility to expand in the future, we need stable core members.
When do raids take place?
Wednesday & Friday -21:00 to 00:00 (Server Time)
Feel free to contact me in-game for more information or to apply.
This is for retail! Just noticed that i posted with my Classic character! opps! 
Recruitment Update
Need the following;
1 Resto Shaman or Holy Paladin
1 DPS Death Knight
1 MM Hunter
1 Warlock
Prefer 175+ ILevel, but not important, we run heroics, m0’s and M+ daily to help gear!
Recruitment Update
Need the following;
1 Resto Shaman or Holy Paladin
1 DPS Death Knight
1 MM Hunter
Recruitment Update
Need the following;
1 Tank (DK/DH)
1 Healer (Shaman/Priest)
2-3 Melee DPS (DK, War, Rogue etc.)
1-2 Ranged DPS (Hunter, Mage, Druid etc.)
We are trying to increase the raid size from 10 to 14, but unfortunately 1 of our tanks is no longer able to raid, therefore looking for a new one.
Ideally you should be around 180-190 ilvl to jump into raids!
Our focus is Normal CN; with goals on heroic in a month or two.
Talk to me in-game or add me on battle net: Sick#2242
Hi there,
ilvl 178 arcane mage, just coming back to the game and looking for a guild. Posted on the forums a while back here: [Silvermoon][A] Older player looking for Guild - #2 by Banbúrybull-silvermoon
If you think I may be suitable, feel free to get in touch
Battletag #Orionos2820
Looking for some more DPS to fill roster!
1 Fire Mage
1 Arms Warrior
1 Marksman Hunter
1 Shadow Priest
Other DPS classes/specs will be considered.
You should be around 180-190 ilvl and ready for Normal Castle Nathria progression - no previous experience expected or required, just a commitment to learn and have fun!
Looking for some more DPS to fill roster!
1-2 Mages
1 Arms Warrior
1 Marksman Hunter
1 Shadow Priest
1 Elemental/Enhancement Shaman
Other DPS classes/specs will be considered.
Still looking for DPS to increase our numbers! We currently have 2/4/6, as you can see we need around 6 dps!
Wednesday just gone we achieved 5/10 Normal - with a 2/3/6 set up!
We are now 9/10 !
Looking for 1 Mage and/or DPS Shaman
Current Progress: 10/10 Normal and 1/10 Heroic
Looking for:
1 Mage
1 Shaman (DPS)
1 Balance Druid
All other DPS classes considered, ideally not another hunter (we currently have 4)!
LF a few more DPS to fill our team! Current Progress 10/10 Normal and 4/10 Heroic.
Need the following classes;
1 Mage, Balance Druid, Marksmen Hunter and Shaman (Elemental)
Our team is currently melee heavy so looking for more ranged classes at the moment. Ideally your be around 190ish ilvl to be able to step in to heroic progress, our normal clears will also help in getting your final pieces.
Message me ingame (Sickíes or Sickíe) or add me on battle net (Sick#2242). We also have an ingame community where u can apply too.
Currently working on our 5th boss on heroic, but lacking ranged DPS!
Looking for;
Mage, Boomkin, Hunters, Elemental Shamans etc.
Ideally 190+ to jump into heroic progression! We also have a community where you can play with us cross realm!