[A] [Silvermoon] Dreamers Lodge - A place to feel at home

Still looking for more! You’re welcome as any role and class, but the following are especially welcome:
Druids (Healer or Moonkin)
Warriors (DPS, Tank off-spec)

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re interested, especially if you’re a bantz machine!

We still have spots open, specially for DPS and anyone social.

PS: Please apply, GM is holding my family hostage until I get more people to join :frowning: :disappointed_relieved:

Hello Guys, just wanted to ask if you have a spot for a resto shaman
im 60 right now have done 4/10 normal also a few mythic runs. Im looking for a friendly guild and grown up.

Hey there, while we would love to have some more healers, you’d be the third resto shaman :stuck_out_tongue:
Regardless, get into contact with us through the means described in the post and we’ll have a proper talk :slight_smile:

Hi there! I’m looking for somewhere social for my resto druid, i was wondering if that’s a class or spec you would be interested in? And if possible could you tell me a little more about the guild? Are you a larger or a smaller guild right now?

Thanks :smiley:

Hi I just hit 60 can I join?

Holiday season has ended, and we are still recruiting to compensate the amount of socks we didn’t get this year.

(Pants are not a requirement to join the guild*)

COOKIES GALORE. We are a friendly guild community looking for Healers and DPS to progress heroic Raids. We do all sorts of content (M+, world stuff). As my esteemed colleague above advised, pants not required :wink:

I requested GM on discord :slight_smile: Main a resto druid and this guild sounds like I can meet some cool peeps and get into some mythics for once!

Still interested in joining if you guys are recruiting :slight_smile: discord is Tommyputt#0949 if anyone can add