Good day to all who stumble upon our post 
Our old post with our guild history
Faster Than Lag is looking to recruit 5-6 strong DPS to help us progress into Mythic Aberrus. We also currently have unlimited recruitment open for all classes who only wish to run keys and non-raid events, my contact details are below if you’d like to enquire further.
FTL is looking for people who can raid for around 2 times a week for a total of 4 hours, Monday and Thursday 20:00-22:00st. We’d like experienced players but what we need the most are people committed to help us progress into new content. To be visible online and to interact with our members, group up and forge new friendships.
Our guild has an active discord with many channels/forums, which is used actively on a daily basis. We use discord for all guild group content and can help you set it up if needed but you don’t need a mic. We simply require you to listen in during raids. For loot we’re using a loot council system when on HC and eventually Mythic content (RClootcouncil addon). You can see the discord for more details.
If you would like to apply please visit our discord or contact myself. If you have any questions you can whisper or message ingame or bnet. Feel free to enquire in this thread as well as I’ll be keeping my eye on it.
Thanks for your time,
FTL Recruitment Officer
Contact Info
Ingame Recruitment: LisburnAsh82#2425
Now 9/9HC and actively seeking several DPS to complete the Mythic team, no expectations on how far we go. Contact me for more information.
Still looking to flesh out the team by adding several solid DPSers, anything except Rets welcome. Clearing HC until we have 20 but we’re ready otherwise.
Still seeking DPS, currently in talks with 2 guilds for a collaboration for Mythic.
Now opening a Tank and Healer spot to compliment the team. Ideally we’d like to start mythic progress as soon as possible and finally take the guild forward.
Only seeking DPS now, anything except Retribution paladin as we have 3 already.
Looking positive for our first mythic guild run within the next 2 resets.
Join now to be a part of it 
Added a couple more faces to our roster and still room for a couple more, to ensure that we always have enough for a team once we start mythic.
DPS only so contact us and let’s have a friendly chat.
Good day all,
We are still seeking several DPS who would like to step into Mythic content on a light no pressure schedule.
All classes and spec’s are welcome provided you meet the entry requirements, also reclears of HC will be present until we are a full 20 man team.
No fancy applications necessary or links to logs. We don’t care about any of that, this is a game to be enjoyed after all.
Only seeking like-minded players who value a strong social aspect and have a willingness to help others. Plenty of banter on discord while running group content.
Contact me for a friendly chat 
Good day to all,
We are still in search of strong DPS for an upcoming Mythic team with the aim of seeing how far we can go, we are so close to having 20 and you could be the final pieces!
All specs are currently open.
Good day all,
Still actively recruiting DPS for the team, now adding expectations of pulling your weight in the team.
We are also exploring the option of a raid team merge however we can only raid Monday and Thursdays as that’s what our raiders are used too. We are open to conversations and our expectancy is to move into early Mythic bosses.
Still actively seeking new faces and a possible merge for the foreseeable future. Raid days are non negotiable to avoid us losing several core players.