Let me say this: I know that this is a TERRIFYING notion for people who haven’t tried it.
In Albion and classic Runescape, there were dedicated maps that give you ridiculous rewards and very high-end dungeons. At the same time, if you were to be killed by PLAYERS in those zones, you’d pretty much end up much losing all your gear. This made people selective of the gear they carry before entering those zones, basically taking only what they’re prepared to lose.
I can hear a legion of you folks screaming at me, but let’s slow down for a minute.
The Introduction of War Mode was Blizzard’s attempt to “Balance” the desire for World PVP. We can spend hours on end talking about how that was an epic fail or praise blizzard for introducing it.
But what if the solution to making PVP fun again is to simply raise the stakes? Isn’t that what classic world pvp so good? The danger of getting ganked?
What if there were a selected few of maps that actually made you drop gear or loot someone else’s? Wouldn’t this also balance out the “welfare epics” we continue to complain about?
What do you guys think?
And feel free to twist this idea to your own version where you think it’d be more balanced. I"m interested to hear what you guys have to say about this.
I love the idea of looting enemy player corpses for their own gear. Blizz will never do it hehe.
How about every killed player in WM has a chance to drop an RNG item for your spec, not the enemy corpse’s own item. The gear level can be the catch-up 460 level, and drop rate can be as low as needed, maybe a 0.1% chance to drop a 460 item for example. And… maybe a 1% chance within that 0.1% drop rate for it to be a 470+ item.
This would not compete with other game modes, because drop rate can be very low. Yet, for those that enjoy WPvP - a slow but fun way to get gear. Rather than doing boring PvE, I’d rather be low geared than do PvE.
I read your post as “rng rng rng and a little more rng”. Besides that. Not a bad idea.
Btw. Today I got another piece of 445 from weekly pvp chest. Straight to the bin/disenchant/vendor. I wonder why we still get a 445 bonus item from weekly when we’re in full 460 pvp gear.
And the trophy? 445->455? Really, Blizzard? It should have been like 445/460->475 upgrade due to the time it takes me to get 40 pvp coins for the trophy.
How about every killed player in WM has a chance to drop an RNG item for your spec, not the enemy corpse’s own item.
You do realise that would pretty much mean - constant 40 man raids farming WQs in War Mode, especially the Assautls.
While it could potentially lead to some large scale pvp in the world (I stress the word: POTENTIALLY) - it would also mean a lot more griefing.
Not sure if that idea is the best.
As for the original idea - I’ve seen this implemented in an old MMO game called Mu Online (bit like an asian Diablo clone). this worked in a fashion where, after killing a few players, you would get a special debuff called: “player killer”. At that point if another player could kill you, upon your death you would drop (there was a pretty big % chance for it), a piece of the gear you were wearing / had in your bags.
It was hilarious - happened to me few times You would often see the debuffed players running around completely naked everywhere haha.
What I would like to see however is the Conquest cap rewards to be buffed to ilevel 475 from the current ilevl 460. This could potentially bridge the gap between PVPers and PVEers.