A single Megaserver for 10.0?

Cool as it would be in theory I’m not so sure it would be a good idea with the current server tech or… whatever is responsible for making the servers so laggy when lots of people are bunched together.

And I’m really not a fan of too much phasing/sharing either.

All for closing “empty” servers and giving those players free migration to the bigger ones. As well as making inactive character names available again.



Now you’re getting it!

We just want it extended to guilds and the AH.

Not trying to disagree at all, i want you to explain to me how you think this is…
1…different to what we have now!
2… how yiu think that, when we have full servers at launch and queuesm throwing evetybody onto one server will make it better. Also remember, when the queues happened at launch of SL Blizzard offered free transfers, so people could at least pkay, something your idea would make impossible!

See dude you two SMART could say you want cross realm guilds and ah,instead of it you went the most possible way around it and for some SMART reasons, never happening.

Playing on an RP server i’m going to have to hard pass on this one.


Again, it won’t be a single server with the same capacity as current WoW servers. It will be a cluster of servers that can scale upwards as more capacity is needed.

Yes, free transfers to lower pop servers. Then you had to pay to get back onto the servers with the decent guilds and raid groups.

You speedrunning another ban, Holy?

Not triggered, just dont see how it will benefit at all, anyway, keep goung over it again and again, not gonna happen, and if you really wanted to say mega cluster,maybe change the thread title, you may not get so confused,

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Welcome to ignore dog

Please please please ignore me on the forums. I beg you, please put me on your ignore list. My forum experience will get a million times better.


That at least allowed players to play the game they paid for! I myself have characters on Draenor and Silvermoon, as well as Kul Tiras and Dragonblight ! I could log onto Kul Tiras and Dragonblight woth no queues, this idea wouldn’t have allowed me to do that!

Do you really have to be so rude! Theres a decent(ish) debare going on, and its interspersed with your inane ramblings

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  1. It’s very similar to what we have right now. With some differences :
  • cross-server guilds
  • cross-server mythic raiding day 1 (instead of having to wait until 100 alliance/horde guilds complete mythic)
  • better load-balancing, but I’ll explain that in (2)
  • allows you to share items (like potions, flasks) with anyone, regardless of their server
  • unique AH across all servers
  1. I see you’re confused by the terminology I initially used (at least if you’re sincere). So, instead of “mega server” or “unique server”, think of it as : exactly what we have right now, ie : sharding.
    But instead of being locked into Kul-Tiras, your character Llanlewen would be able to freely move to any server with no need for 24h copy/paste procedure we have right now. You hit on the button and you instantly move to another server of your choice (maybe with a loading screen, but that’s all).
    And when you first login and enter the world when you open the game that day, your character appears in any server, selected based on its current population. If the population is too high, it loads your character on a low-pop server.

This idea wouldn’t have required you to do that, considering with enough servers in the cluster, you wouldn’t be stuck in queues.

Also, it’s nice for you that you can just hop on other servers, but many people simply don’t have the time to dedicate to multiple chars.

This system already works in games like Guild Wars 2. I have no idea why it’s so controversial here.

RP servers could definitively use a special treatment, indeed.

Sorry! In which language did that make sense to you?

Where do i call myself ‘Dog’!

They should make ignore on forum account wide as well

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Gotta agree on this one, tbh. lol

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They should make forum bans affect your WoW account too, tbh.