[A] [SoD] [Lava Lash] <Synergy>

Synergy is a well-established, mature and social community on the Lava Lash server (EU) with an active guild chat and discord. Our mission is to create a vibrant gaming experience for all members, veteran and new players alike!

As we all know, murlocs never come alone. They collaborate, showcasing the power of teamwork and synergy for superior outcomes. That’s why the murloc is our mascot, and our ranks and raid teams bear names inspired by murlocs and their tribes.

We are inviting you to join us!

Sunken Temple 100%

All are welcome

Our system allows members to always find a spot in a raid tribe and/or to lead their own raids with success. We have 4 raid tribes at the moment - two of them in Sunken Temple - with various raid types (hardcore, semi-hardcore and casual).

We always have room for socials/casuals! We also love to organise (ingame) events like Hide & seek, Jackbox, Quiz nights etc!

Interested? You are welcome to join our discord (discord.gg/synergygames) or whisper us ingame.

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