A soft solution for "need on mog" rollers in raids

Not much of a solution really. It just doesn’t feel as bad, because it eliminates the step where the other players consciously presses “need” on an item they don’t actually need power-wise. But they could still loot it and choose not to trade it.

Don’t get me wrong, I prefer personal loot over GL in pug groups. It should have only been an option for guild groups, as was most suggested by the player base.

Blizzard just needs to pull their heads of their behinds and finally make earning raid items at least semi-deterministic. At this point 15 weeks in I’d be more excited to actually loot Pip’s or Ashes on at least one of my characters than I would be if I got the legendary axe.

Same thing in my eyes.
We don’t NEED anything in a game. We don’t NEED games, period.
But we want them. For sure.

So if you’re after an item for whatever reason; you should get to roll need.
You have just as much right to it than anyone else who is eligible to roll on it.

Define “guild groups”. As long as a guild can pug the people you are missing for your raid… its a really fuzzy line.

How is Blizz supposed to impose any restrictions there? Some fancy algorithm? A Game Master for every raid running at all times? Or do you prefer what they do in Mythic to prevent this type of bad behavior: Not allowing pugging AT ALL.

Stop being delusional. This PuG vs. Guild cant be enforced.

And im not even getting into the people that run Mythic and their “borderline exploits” of any loot system you can imagine.

Or Boosting groups. Both legal and illegal.

Choose the worst of the evils. PL or GL for EVERYBODY.

Personal loot is a so so fix, world first raiders ruined that by armor stacking raids.

As someone who actively low rolls my mog rolls i wouldn’t be opposed to using my marks of honor to buy a replica

LFR should have PL.
Basically, all queued content should have PL.

Anything else: GL.

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Fair point.

Then I will just write the same exact thing on the posts complaining about the same exact thing for normal and heroic Pug Groups. Cause there is also a weekly post about those too.

Cause those are very often pugged as well. More so than guild runs IMO.

Care to join me? :slight_smile:

Well, to me it’s just people complaining because they didn’t get what they wanted.
Those threads are usually better just ignored, really. :sweat_smile:

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80% of the raid being of the same guild. Nobody is obligated to join such a group, and if it’s that much of a concern, it wouldn’t be a huge issue to have a pop up to notify the pugs that the group is using group loot.

But even then, the pugs would still be allowed to roll on the items. The group can’t prevent them from doing so without kicking them. It’s not master loot.

Stop being angry. I’ve not done or said anything to warrant insults.

Why not 90%? Why not 70%? What happens if its 79% (1 person short)…

That is your opinion. And its legit.

But the issue is that everyone has their opinion. Nobody will agree on any number. Its always “depending on the situation”.

Like I said. Not possible.

Sorry. You are right. I take that back.

Because 80 just seems like a reasonable number to me, and it’s already established as a requirement for guild achievements. You asked me to define, so I did.

Make it a 100% if you want, it doesn’t matter right now. The final decision would have to be substantiated by something better than opinions. The “everyone has an opinion” approach just prevents the discussion from reaching any kind of conclusion if even by a compromise, because “that’s just my opinion”.

Anyway, both group loot and personal loot have major disadvantages. For GL it’s the people rolling + the fact that items that nobody can use may drop, and for PL it’s people looting items they don’t need and either can’t or won’t trade.

That is why my main point was not an argument between GL and PL, but an argument for a deterministic way of earning raid items.

I think the entire discussions of GL vs PL is revolving around a false dilemma.

This issue is very dependent on WHAT items were talking about. Leggos, or OP trinkets (like rashok, or Peeps) are the #1 complaints on this aspect.

Absolutely nobody is complaining about those Crit-Mastery boots that drop in the raid.

So IMO, instead of imposing deterministic gearing for items that provide player power none should be as OP as some items prove to be. And keep that RNG aspect.

As for mogs, I consider it a lost opportunity for blizz. Because you can tie mogs to certain achievements, events, open world, #of kills, ect… RNG or not.

Thats the point im going for. ANY system (even deterministic ones) have advantages and disadvantages. There is no such a thing as a perfect one.

The idea is to choose the “least bad” of the list of system. And IMO, its PL.

In the past this was easy. You needed a percentage of the raid to be guildies to be classed as a guild raid. Too many non guildies and you have to use the other method.

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for example you need 20 for mythic and you need 17 of the guild players to make it count for weekly kill

for for 2/3/9 ie 14 players you need 12 as far as i recall there is plenty of ways to look it up .

People needing it for transmog isnt even a big deal btw. I always do lfr once while gearing up a bit and to see it. But the gear i do get often gets replaced pretty quickly by some sort of world boss or other catch up mechanic or even just some low key since i dont really do high keys.

Lfr isnt the right place to gear up since other places tend to give gear more quickly of the similair ilvl or higher while with lfr you got to queue up for like 45 minutes or longer if its not current patch content and then spent wiping for like 2 hours and waiting for a new tank

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forum activity

this can be easily saved by blizzard making it so that if we click mog on something we get the appearance, which is all mog collectors care about where as if the person its need the get the item to equip and the mog for their collection like it is currently, win win for both sides imo.

but i think loot won by need roll should be untradable so to stop the “ppl rolling need on items for their friends/guildies or to sell” crowd

i would also like to add that now that you cant need on teir if u have it on that level or higher that the tier pieces should be backwards compatible for mog purposes, for example if u have the normal piece you get the lfr mog also if u have mythic you get all 4

There’s no transmog option in the higher level raids? On the LFR I just click the transmog button

There is but if you roll transmog and even a single other person presses need, it goes to that person. The chances of getting an item from a transmog roll in a pug raid are basically zero.

Do you ever get something in LFR when you use the transmog option?

In an organized raid group with some loot rules, you get mogs that way, but in LFR the apparent default is to “need” on everything. Arguably, wanting items for the appearance is a valid “need” in queued content. For many players that is the only reason to do LFR in the first place.

That’s because the LFR sets are weirdly the hardest ones to get. If you get normal you can upgrade to HC appearance, if you get HC you can get mythic appearance.
Normal is super easy to get even if you don’t raid that much since even low m+ rewards are so good combined with the catalyst.

I would be a fan of the principle that if you get a piece of a set for let’s say HC you also automatically unlock the lower difficulty appearance.

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