A soft solution for "need on mog" rollers in raids

So… we all know in any pug and sometimes even in guild runs (“it’s really an upgrade i swear”) we might have people rolling need on stuff they don’t need but want a mog.

What if we introduced a “justice points” like currency that you would be granted if you passed or greeded on loot on given boss and got no loot - then after accruing a certain amount of points - you could go to a vendor and buy REPLICAS (i.e. like darkmoon faire or SL covenant mogs - no stats - just appearance) of gear from the raid - any you need/like.
Rolling need would mean you forfeit these points to try to get the gear.

This way people who need gear would have more chance getting gear and people who are after transmog could have an incentive not to roll like morons on everything.

This solution wouldn’t mean u get “justice points for actual gear” - something blizzard seemingly hates - it would give “some” incentive for better players to run lower difficulties without acting like dodos rolling on stuff they most certainly don’t need.

Also - introduce a rule that if you don’t receive any gear or don’t roll need you also get extra 100 gold per such boss - so people wouldnt try to roll need just to vendor lol


if its in pug…you always roll on everything, there is zero reason not to do so, you killd the boss, you earnd the right to roll on anything you can.
if its in a organised area (guild) and someone rolls need for transmog, you hope for him that he missclicked or the person is gone, there is no excuse for this behavior, if there is already a “transmog” roll option

there is so much transmog in this game, that this is just a “+1” situation

tell me you didnt read my post without telling me you didn’t read my post. whatever.


But if they want the mog they need it.

So don’t reward people for killing a boss? You should watch out, if the anti ML crowd hears you talking like that you’re in trouble.

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yea getting another ressource on my tab… woob di doo

Are you sure you dont feel embarrassed yourself after that comment? Can you imagine being so entitled that you think people who also killed the boss don’t deserve the loot wether its for tmog or another reason.

I guess their time spent on the raid didn’t matter compared to the far more important time you spent doing it.

Normally i dont need on loot i dont need, but if i saw someone so entitled in my lfr raid i’d just need every single item i could out of spite tbh


yea, you just do it for the fun :wink:

Unfortunately yes. Im a mogger and sincerely im forced to need cuz for me mogs are more important than powah. And once i was reported by another pally for this.

Probably they should create a rule to permit to have the mog and not the item: yesterday with my priest i lost a beautiful hat (maybe on igira) to another priest who didnt needed (i checked) but probably he wanted the mog.

I understood this and i wasnt angry… but a solution maybe should be found (ok isnt the most important thing ingame but many are interesting to mogs)

Still comes down to the same thing. Why should people who enter lfr to get a tmog have to pass on the literal item they need and spent more time getting the item trough grinding currency.

At that point they might as well just buy some green item. Put the better item they already have in their bag or bank, and then be like: “hey guys look i also need this item i only have a greeny”

Anyway very mature of you to call people illiterate or monkeys when they dont agree with you. I guess you are are a veteran twitter user lol

you are not “disagreeing” - you didn’t read my post, yelled insults and left. you don’t deserve any sympathy or nice words :wink:

Also it doesn’t have to be grind - the currency could be plentiful - it’s just mog.

i read your post, i did not yell insults and i’m still here arent i?

I think its pretty normaly to ask someone if they arent emberassed themselves, when you just called people embarrassing despite acting like a kid throwing a tantrum just because people did not agree with you

this thread started interstingliy and now is become an arena with 2 ppl arguing about nothin.


I gladly roll on everything that I want or need and whatever the reason is that I want or need that item, I have every right to go ahead and roll for it. I lose a lot of the time but I don’t care.

The system is actually pretty fair.

Your idea is not too bad but I’m going to stop you here. Needing for transmog is not stealing. If you didn’t realize already wow is filled to the brim with cosmetic rewards. Why is your gear more important than my collection? It isn’t, period.
If I can need an item and it’s something I need for transmog my roll is just as valid as a roll from someone who needs the gear as an upgrade.

I think it’s a great idea.

For anyone saying it’s correct to roll need when you want a mog, I’d say it’s not. There is a clear transmog option in the loot roll window, that is the correct button.

The fact is, it’s not working out well. In that sense I don’t blame others for rolling need for the mog. And Blizzard could no doubt come up with a better solution. Like say, something along the lines of this suggestion.

Interesting solution, not sure I’m keen on yet another currency but it’s an interesting idea.

Group loot is just frustrating for all IMO in a pug environment. Whether you actually need gear or not and I don’t think you’ll actually stop people needing with this method. People are just going to need on everything they can. It’s not going to result in players who need gear getting it, but it would be a solution for collectors. I would certainly love for it to be an account wide currency if this were to be introduced.

We collect old PvP sets by getting tokens and buying the items/sets/weapons etc. This sounds very similar.

What if instead of introducing another currency the, transmog roll was separate from the need roll? Whoever wins the “need” roll gets the item, and whoever wins “transmog” roll gets a replica of the item.

Although if we would go the currency route, I’d instead propose a currency that actually gets you items from the raid, so that we don’t have to rely on RNG every tier. I have double digit attempts on a few trinkets on multiple characters, and I haven’t won a roll on any of them once. I’d love to have the option to just go and buy it after, say 3 attempts. That way I’d know that even if I don’t win the item I really want, I’ll at least get it in 3 weeks at the latest. I’m just spitballing here, the values could be different, but I’d love to have at least a semi-deterministic way of getting BiS items.


And here is post #3453049583045 complaining about this.

BOYS !!! Here me out…

The solution is… wait for it… PERSONAL LOOT !!!

Its what we had since WoD. Until you guys (the community) started to whine about % probability of drops and what not. And now, we got less gear than before, with less chances of getting it.

For tmog or whatever other purpose.

So… when Blizzard eventually gives in to all this whining. And we come back to PL like we should be.

PLEASE for the love of god. Dont complain that “that dude” did not trade you the item. OK?


For the transmog issue, there are easier solutions, I feel. The two obvious ones are:

  • Higher versions of an item also unlocking the lower tier appearances. Downsides: wouldn’t work for all items, and may lead to fewer geared players doing LFR.
  • The “transmog” button awarding the appearance, but not the item, whereas “need” would award both the item and the appearance. Likely, fewer players would roll “transmog” in LFR, increasing the chances for getting the appearance and helping people to get upgrades.

I’d much prefer the return of Personal Loot also.

I’m gonna say the controversial thing

Transmog > Player power

Player power will only last you until the next content patch, transmog is forever