Solidarity - Grim Batol, Alliance is recruiting players to keep our roster Strong.
Solidarity is a social casual-raiding guild with a strong focus on our Community.
We are currently mainly looking for Ranged DPS (that isn’t a hunter).
However good applications will always be taken into consideration.
Current progress this expansion;
- 8/8 N Uldir
- 8/8 HC Uldir
- 2/8 M Uldir
- 9/9 N Dazar’Alor
- 9/9 HC Dazar’Alor
- 1/9 M Dazar’Alor
- 2/2 N CoS
- 2/2 HC CoS
Raiding information
- We require an itemlevel of 385, level 30 neck and that you have your gear enchanted and gemmed when you apply.
- We currently raid 3 nights/week. Wednesday, Sunday & Monday. 20-22
- We’re a mature guild and look for players from the age of 18 and up.
There is also mythic and mythic+ runs happening within the guild.
If you’re interested you can make an application at or contact One of our officers on Sparkkle#2628