So there’s alot of problems with WM on these days ever since the quest and buffs have been added. Alliance is turning WM on yes. but not like they should. just to do the quest for loot and bam, its off again. cause basicly, why keep it on when you have the reward right ? So sure, the reward is a nice thing. My idea would be, iff you intend to keep the reward system, alter one small detail.
for the 25 player quest loot reward -> only 1 person even iff 40 people hit the horde or are grouped. The killing blow recieves 1 credit. all others, dont. This will motivate alliance to actually play WM for what it is designed for. and not bulk up for the reward and turn off WM when done so the statistics of WM on/off still aren’t high enough so they can get more “PvE warmode on” loot. Cause you can’t really call this a pvp achievement ?
And sure, the 10 player kill quest weekly, make it all killing blow only. atleast that is a fair system where both parties have fair chances. No horde is gonna go group up to fight 40 alliance and waste time where they can do WQ and other stuff for no reward.
Please consider this.
I thank you.