(A) Spirits of the dead 3/10M LF last healer spot for our mythic progression

About us
Spirits of the dead started a small group of friends wanting to do M+ but ending up having a lot more love for raiding. We have been able to achieve Ahead of the curve multiple times with the help of our friends in our community. We are looking for more challenges and are aiming for the cutting edge of this tier. We just started Mythic and cleared the first 3 bosses in one evening.

We are socially fun, down to earth and skilled players who are willing to help each other out in terms of organizing alt raids (sometimes drunk) or M+ groups. What is nice to mention is that our community consists of people that know each other or friends of friends, to make sure to have a non toxic community and that we play with people with similar positive wavelength.

Raiding days
We raid Mythic twice a week because we believe that we can work smarter than to work harder :slight_smile: Also we do not want people to burn out.

Mondays and Thursdays from 20:00 - 23:00 Server time
Optional raids are held on Saturdays

So… Who and what are we looking for?
We are currently looking for our 5th healer, preferably a Holy paladin.

  • General game sense (understand and adapt to the mechanics)
  • We expect you to know your class/spec, what to do and have fun with it
  • Flexible in terms of swapping to DPS if needed
  • Be respectful
  • Choose whatever covenant you feel like
  • Someone can sometimes add music to our music bot on Discord while we are doing goofy raids on Saturday :wink:

If you have any questions or interest let me know!

  • Blazingaero (ingame)
  • Mikomi#2424 (Bnet)
  • Blazingwind#9012 (Discord)

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