A streaming error has occured (WOW51900322)

I had an update via the Battle.net app, it updated retail wow, and assumed it was some kind of fixing, I enter and the fps is completely low, I log in everything is completely laggy (20 fps) - All of my drivers are up to date and just out of curiosity I go to WoW classic and my FPS is perfectly fine there with 120 and above.

Anyone having this same problem? Last night it was running perfectly fine.

Same here. All characters Argent Dawn EU disconnect after being in game for 2-3 seconds. Repair tool run, all addons disabled, Windows 11 up to date with drivers and patches, router restarted, PC restarted.

Good job blizz.

Having the same issue with multiple characters, normally in Valdrakken! What’s going on? :frowning:

Same here keep getting disconnected. On for a few minutes then get disconnected. Its getting annoying now as I have a day off to play, can’t even do that. Keep getting error messages wow57900323 when disconnect sever not available.

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I have same issue on my priest. I used restuck my character and when i came to finish Quest i am getting disconnected in the same zone again and again and again… Other characters works but when i logged on alt and came to oribos i got disconnected again. My main priest is stuck forever in disconnecting bugged zone.

Happens in bgs too, makes them unplayable. If you are lucky you get an unaffected player. Which then carries the objectives.

Same problem here. Repeated disconnects. On the character screen and in-game (I’m sending Blizzard an invoice for my repair bills! :stuck_out_tongue: )

It happened first in Dragon Isles, but happened again even when I went to Stormwind.

Same, been getting chain dc’d on multiple characters. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Constantly disconnecting this morning in the waking shores, I was fishing peacefully and a rare spawned so I flew to it now disconnected constantly along with the zone.

No addons are enabled.



1. Backup relevant folders (Interface and WTF are the main ones).
2. Scan and Repair the game.
3. Move back your backup so you don’t lose any settings etc.
4. Just go play as usual.

This seem to have fixed the disconnect issue. Maybe there was a corrupted file that got into our installs or something. Maybe it will fix it for some, maybe it wont fix it for others. But me and my friends had success with this.

I too am being affected by this issue. I initially experienced a few disconnects across 2 characters but now cannot stay online for more than 30secs before getting thrown out of the game.

Unplayable, did they update to put in a diablo mount and messed with all stabalization?

Cross posting for folks who haven’t noticed the thread in the Tech support forum:

i cant even update mine its doing my heading!

I have the same problem since two days. Both are in Zandalar stuck. I tried all the suggested actions but im still stuck. Really dissapointed because now I cannot play :frowning:

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