Blade's Edge / Eonar / Vek'nilash.
Sunrise is a social Alliance guild on Blades Edge looking to recruit active like minded members. We have no prerequisites with regards to your character, part of our ethos being to allow all our members to be able to participate in all content without the pressure exerted by impatient players in pugs.
We welcome applications from both raiders and non-raiders . Our membership is mixed, coming from all over the Europe. All of us are adults (jobs, families etc) - so we naturally understand if real-life occasionally calls during raids.
We're drama free and a fairly laid back bunch of people.
We raid where we can, usually Normal and HC and we raid regularly where we can –Days and times are Flexible and decided during the previous week.
20.00 - 23.00 (Realm Time) are the usual times when raiding
We are not a progression guild, however we do enjoy all content blizzard releases and as such are currently 5/11HC and 11/11N AtBT.
When raiding we have no fixed team, being happy for any members who want to try it to come along without worrying about their gear, dps, hps or experience. We have found this allows progression to come naturally without having to aim or stress for it and makes for a much more relaxed and fun game experience for all.
We have members who are interested in most aspects of the game (raiding, achievement hunters, altaholics, mythics/+ and pvp) and most of our members are happy to play alternate specs or alts if a role is oversubscribed for dungeon runs or raids, therefore we are open to all roles.
This means we'll never be a bleeding edge Mythic raiding guild, but we do like to progress at our own pace (which is currently 5/11HC AtBT ).
We're looking for social and mature players to join our raiding/social ranks in order to push towards finishing the final Legion raid content and beyond.
Everyone is welcome to apply at -
To get a better picture of who we are and how we run as a guild,please visit our site and read our guild charter:
While there, you can leave your application in the same forum, just follow the instruction in the sticky!
We are always looking for members to join our raid nights, in particular Tanks and Healers but as our ethos all are welcome to apply and join our inclusive guild.
Just adding we are still and always recruiting for new members, currently 8/8 Normal and 5/8 Heroic in Uldir for those that want to experience the content without the stress or pressure of a raiding guild.