[A] Tank and DPS LF raiding guild WOTLK

Hello All

me and my partner are looking for a raiding guild for wotlk, I would like to play tank having a pala at 70 and soon to have dk and warrior at 70 both at 62 at the time of writing this. My partnet would like to play DK DPS

We are both mythic raiders on retail and I did all the TBC content in phase 1 only stopping due to problems finding a guild after the current one fell apart due to bad management.

I have tanked wotlk before and vaguely remeber tacts for majority of bosses, not looking for any type of guild hardcore or casual as long as raiding twice a week on any days apart from fri and sat and anytime after 8pm Server time

if you are recruting or would like to have a chat add me on btag on walrusman#2527


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