[A] The Adventurers Guild is back, and looking for new members

Hail wannabe Adventurers,

One of the oldest guild on Sporeggar is back with some of their finest, to bring back the friendly and totally drama-free environment that made it a legendary place to be for casual players since Vanilla.

We are a little bit older and a little bit wiser, this doesn’t mean we don’t stand in fire at the worst possible moment. It’s actually a requirement to join.

We don’t aim for end game, but if we get there, we will give it a fair shot.
We don’t focus on WPvP, but if an Adventurer is in peril, we stick together.
If you are a newbie, we will share our stories, if you are an experienced player, maybe you can teach us something new.

We are looking for mature and friendly people, willing to spend some time playing along like-minded gamers.
You need no special commitment, no nights free for raids or pressure to gear up. We are Casuals with a capital “C”, as we all have other priorities in life.
To be an Adventurer you Just need to be nice, respectful and a little nerdy.

If you think you fit into the job description, send your application in the in-game guild finder with a little note and we will have a friendly chat with you.

See you on Azeroth, Adventurers!

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Good luck.


Thank you brother, your kind words are warmer than Ironforge mighty furnace!

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