Grab an ale, traveller, let me tell you about ‘The Collectors Covenant’…
In 2018 I was attempting to start a guild for new-new players on Silvermoon. I’ve been playing very sporadically since 2016 (still only just got into the Lvl 80s) and mainly solo (with some PUG groups). Too readily distracted by pets and seasonal events.
WoW was my first MMO, and I came to it relatively late at 30 years old. I loved the world, but was a bit blown away by the wealth of content and years of progress made by others. I joined some lovely guilds in the early days, had some great chats, but they were max level/end game players who just didn’t want to run Classic dungeons on Normal (and understandably so)! Add that to some discouraging ‘Learn to Play!’ LfG groups, and I mainly just stuck to solo questing/leveling and the seasonal events.
In 2018, I agreed to merge a fledgling guild I had formed with someone who I thought had a better chance of getting it off the ground. We formed The Collector’s Covenant, a guild for casual-casual and new players. I set about recruiting…and our GM disappeared. Just, disappeared. No word. No nothing. I tried to organise a few guild events, but people saw that the GM was nowhere in sight and left (again, I don’t blame them). It got down to me being the only one left, so I took over as GM to safeguard the guild and then essentially left WoW for a while to try other things.
I’ve returned in 2019, and I’m keen to do something with this guild, because I still believe in the idea. This is a fresh group, with ALL the achievements up for grabs, right from the ground up. Yep, we’re talking Deadmines on Normal 
Its for anyone who is new and/or very casual/sporadic, who mainly does their own thing but would like to do more with other people in a relaxed, ‘we’re all new to this’ environment. Its for anyone who’s willing to say ‘Hey’ in guild chat when they’re around, and send some gratz for achievements when they pop in guild chat. It’s for mature (in attitude, not necc age) gamers who can have a laugh but respect other people and their perspectives.
For lots of people, this kind of thing won’t appeal, and that’s cool. But if you got to the end of this, and it sounds like your cup of tea, drop me a whisper (Thorinferris- Silvermoon) or add me on Blizzard as FunkyMonk#214219. Cheers