[A] The Next Step - recruiting (8/8hc & 1/8m)


We are ~The Next Step~ a PVE orientated guild from Sylvanas.
We are looking for active pve orientated players to fill the gaps in our team.
We are going to raid 2 days/week (Friday 20:30-23:30 & Saturday 17:00-20:00).
Mostly interested in the following:
- Ranged DPS ( Warlock, Hunter, Mage, Shadow Priest )
- Melee DPS ( Demon Hunter, Warrior, Paladin, Monk )
To any and all players that are interested and that match our raiding days/hours we encourage you to apply on our website ( nextstep(.)shivtr(.)com ) and one of the officers will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
We are also accepting members from other realms (due to the fact that cross realm mythic raids were activated) we are going to use a community and calendar events for this :).

Or contact one of our officers, the contacts are :

Leneka - Leneka#2750

Regards on behalf of the guild,