The Night Watch
Alliance | Earthshaker EU
About us:
We are a tight knit community who recently migrated over from Flamelash EU. With us you’ll find a friendly, active community - both at night and during the day - who welcome everyone, including those with real life commitments! When not raiding, we are out in the world farming, leveling alts or PvPing.
Active midnight raiding community.
27-man Molten Core cleared with no wipes.
Successful migration with no membership loss.
Raid Times:
Friday: 00:00 - 03:00 (Blackwing Lair 8/8)
Saturday 00:00 - 01:30 (Molten Core 10/10)
Random: 00:00 - 01:00 (when Onyxia can’t be matched with a Saturday)
Loot System:
Loot Council
Trial period consists of 2 consecutive weeks of Raiding (BWL/MC)
Trial period not eligible for loot unless gear is passed upon by Raiders and above.
Low drop rate BIS reserved for Core members.
What we are looking for:
Druid: 1x (Resto)
Mage: 1x
For more information reach us on Discord or in-game:
Karghan (GM), Spicypooh, Spookers, Nqrd, Kredysh, Quasarkin